Chapter 6- Meanie, Professor? and Lunch

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Kit's Pov

   Kit woke the next morning exhausted, as if he hadn't gotten any sleep at all. A cup of coffee would surely fix that. He slowly got out of bed and changed into a white t-shirt, blue jeans, a leather jacket and a ratty old pair of Converse sneakers.

   When he arrived at the Scholomance, thinking he wouldn't really have to do anything during his time there, Professor Bridgewater had the brilliant idea that he actually become a student so he could learn while being protected at the same time. What a fabulous idea. Incredible. Amazing. Fantastic. Simply marvelous. He couldn't have come up with a better idea himself.

   Oh, wait. No. He could come up with a better idea, and that was laze on his arse all day, every day, doing nothing but eating pizza and playing video games. But, obviously the universe had a better idea, to train, and learn. Why thank you kind universe.

( A/N I'm really going for the full Herondale sarcasm, how am I doing?)

   And seeing Ty for the first time in three years was a shock. The boy had gotten taller, probably about 5'9, shorter than Kit but he didn't mind, he quite liked the idea of being taller than Ty for some reason.

 His face had gotten.....sharper, in the best way possible, his cheekbones were well defined, along with his jawline and the shape of his nose, too, was sharper. His eyes had gotten a little wider since Kit had last seen him, but it really suited Ty, making his grey eyes seem so much more expressive.

   Ty also seemed to have a lot more muscles, not in such an obvious way that his muscles were bulging but in a way that made his tank top fit tightly against his waist and chest. Kit could clearly see Ty's biceps from across the hall, the shadows on his arms, made from his muscles, were very clear.

   Kit had gone to bed that night unable to get the image of Ty all sweaty and holding a training sword out of his mind. Kit also, may or may not have had a wet dream about Ty that night but he would never reveal the truth about why his bedsheets were soaked that morning.

   So now here he was, looking at his schedule, trying to figure out where the history classroom was, luckily he had made a bunch of new friends that could help him out, but first, coffee.

   Ashley Pinethorn, an eighteen year old girl, with blonde hair, ridiculously big, green eyes and a not-very-well-done-yet-painfully-obvious nose job. Kit had learned a lot about Ashley in the short amount of time he had known her. She was born a mundane but attended the Shadowhunter Academy and ascended three years ago, she had enjoyed her time there and missed it a lot, so she decided to become a Centurion, just to go through the training and the classes and all the nice people again, because, apparently, for some odd reason, she had enjoyed it.

   "Before we go to class can you show me where the coffee is?" Kit asked, trying to subtly move away from Ashley, who was currently shoving her breasts in Kit's face. Not literally, but it was the best way he could describe it.

   "Sure, just down this hall"

   They arrived at the table where they were serving a substance only found in Heaven, but the Gods had taken pity on the humans and gave them a small amount of the precious liquid that was known as coffee.

   Kit picked up a dark blue mug, about the size of a cereal bowl, and poured the wonderous mixture of caffeine and water into his mini bowl/coffee cup. He ripped the tops off of two sugar sachets, dumped them into his drink and stirred continuously until the sugar had dissolved.

   Seeing another person in his peripheral vision he glanced to his left and saw Ty. And by the Angel did he look stunning, wearing a pair of grey skinny jeans that matched his eyes almost perfectly and a light blue hoodie, one that looked strangely familiar. It was Kit's hoodie, he had forgotten it at the L.A Institute when he moved to England. He hadn't wanted to go back for it out of embarrassment and pride but seeing Ty wearing it made him glad that he had left it.

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