Chapter 5

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Today was the big day. A nervous energy coursed through Trinity. While there was a modicum of sadness that yesterday, her day off, was over with, it was easily swept away with the happiness for something new. 

Answering the phone was part of her new job. She wondered what the other tasks might be. It would be hard to work with only one arm, but it was doable. Trinity had managed to make breakfast and lunch for David, waking extra early to stay on schedule. Her day off afforded her enough rest to be able to rise at four and do all of the morning chores without feeling too drained. Plus, her pain medication helped. All in all, the day could be labeled so far so good. It was the impending night that had her bothered.

Pushing the worry far into the recess of her mind, she tilted her head at her reflection in the mirror. Did she look professional enough? Hopefully, David wouldn't think she was trying to attract attention.

Her navy dress seemed appropriate. The fit and flare cut showed capped sleeves with a modest square neckline and hem below the knee. It was perfect with black ballet flats. She kept her wavy hair loose. It was too hard to style with one arm, and she doubted David would help her. To finish off her demure look, she curled and swept mascara over her lashes and glazed her lips with a clear lip gloss. She also decided to add foundation despite the doctor's order. She was on antibiotics, so any chance of infection was now lower. Right? Didn't matter. She couldn't show up to her first day looking like a zombie. Satisfied with her face, she headed back to the kitchen.

Today would be her first work day outside of a restaurant. Hopefully, she wouldn't stutter answering the phone. She practiced in the mirror a bunch of times yesterday and didn't stutter once. For some reason, she didn't feel too nervous about it.

Becky had texted her with good luck wishes this morning. Trinity didn't have the heart to tell her best friend what happened. She didn't want to hear what Becky had to say about it. She already knew.

"First day, huh?"

David startled her out of her head, and she immediately filled his plate with food setting it down onto the table.


"Are you excited to be working in an office?"

Why was he being so nice? "I am. I think it was a wonderful idea of yours to suggest I apply. I'm anxious to contribute."

"My ideas are always wonderful, babe. By the way, I want lasagna tonight. I gotta go. Be good." He kissed her on the head before leaving her alone.

Trinity looked at his plate. He hadn't touched it. He made her cook his breakfast, and didn't eat it. What was more, he hadn't taken his lunch either. He also wanted lasagna for dinner. How was she supposed to fill the pot up with water and haul it to the stove to make the noodles? Even if she found the kind of noodles you didn't have to pre-cook, how was she supposed to get a heavy pan filled with food into the oven? Guess she'd have to put the pan on the oven rack first and then put the recipe together.

Tears started to well, but she blinked them away. She had to leave if she were going to be on time. Grabbing her keys, she left the house with her mind on her schedule. After work, she would need to go to the store and get right home to clean the kitchen up. She could clean while the lasagna was in the oven...somehow.

Needless to say, today would need to be planned perfectly. Work ended at three in the afternoon. Once three hit, she would jet to the store. If traffic was nice to her, it would take ten minutes to get there. So, arrival time would be quarter after three since she would have to account for time to punch out and walk to her car. Once in the store, she would allow ten minutes to shop. That would put her at twenty-five after. From the store to home would be another ten minutes give or take. No matter what, her arrival home couldn't be later than quarter to four.

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