Chapter 3

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Trinity woke up. Of course she did. Why would she think that anything like sudden death while sleeping would ever happen to her? She wasn't old, ate pretty healthy, kept her body up and didn't have any underlying health conditions. Of course she wasn't going to drop dead. Life wasn't nice to her like that.

Instead, she was wide awake. At least she woke up before the alarm. Getting up before David was always a good thing. She could get ready without any interruption and have his coffee made by the time he came down the stairs.

Maybe she would make some scrambled eggs this morning with toast and bacon. That should put him in a good mood. She made quick work of her shower and hair so that she may get to the task at hand. But, first, her face needed attention. Because it was still very tender, she settled with using some more aloe gel, then mascara and lipgloss to finish.

Into the kitchen, Trinity was happy to see the sunshine flooding in through the windows. The brightness always made things seem happier. Seem being the keyword. With the Keurig warming up, she whisked eggs, poured them into a hot pan, and popped bread into the toaster. Then, she lined a baking sheet with foil and thick bacon for the oven. The savory aromas would wake him.

A few minutes later, he sauntered into the kitchen. He was nearly dressed in his uniform finishing the buttons. Maybe if she helped him, he would be kinder today.

"Good morning," she smiled. "May I help you with those buttons. My fingers are much smaller than yours."

"Yeah. Thanks." He kissed her forehead while she buttoned the last few on his shirt. "You were great last night."

Trinity's eyes flicked up to his. "Thank you," she whispered. "Your breakfast is ready. Let me get it for you." She served his plate, then hers before sitting down. "I enjoyed dancing with you," she lied.

"Did ya now? What part did you like the best?" he grinned shoveling food into his mouth.

"That's easy. Your kiss." Why did she even say that? Was she stupid?

"Horny again? Don't got time to fuck ya now, babe. Tonight." David wiped his mouth, then tossed his napkin down.

Trinity gained her feet and cleared his plate, then walked him to the front door, "Have a nice day, David."

"I will. Oh, one more thing. I almost forgot," he pulled her to him. "I want tacos tonight. That's one. And number two, bills are tight. I need you to look for a job."

"A job?"

"Yeah. And not in retail or anything like that. Find a secretary job. You know, in an office. They pay more. Okay?" 

Trinity nodded.

"Good girl. Gotta go. You're making me late."

The front door banged shut. It was a heavy door with a lever style door knob. One would think that a cop wouldn't have a lever style. It would be so easy to break and gain entrance. At least to her it seemed that way. Why not just a regular door knob? Trinity rubbed her temples.

He wanted her to find a job. How? She didn't have any skills. David told her to skip college to become a housewife with the hopes of later becoming a stay-at-home mom. He was supposed to take care of the bills.

There was no way a company was going to hire an inexperienced person for secretarial purposes. The most she could probably become with her lack of experience was a receptionist. But some receptionist jobs required computer work. Hopefully, she could find one where the computer stuff was light. Maybe Becky would know.

Sitting at the kitchen table, she dialed her best friend's number and asked her to come over. Since Becky was already out and about this morning, she would be there soon. Quickly, Trinity cleaned up the kitchen. It was seconds later the doorbell rang.

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