Chapter 6

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Dante paced his office, occasionally looking out the window to watch the afternoon bustle. This was his city. His family's city. They kept the streets safe and businesses running for over one hundred years, and now it was his turn to serve. He was don. Capo dei capi. Boss of all bosses.

It wasn't something he asked for. It was assumed. A position he was born into. To turn it down or walk away was to be traitor. There was no getting out. No need to try, no need to even think about it. Why would he anyway? The world was his oyster.

Money, power, women, vacations, homes, the list went on and on. He had it all. Most importantly, he had respect. He couldn't remember the last time he was disrespected. Although, that wasn't true. The last time he had been disrespected was a few days ago in his very own club by one, David Fallon.

When someone gets invited by the most powerful mob boss in the nation, let alone the world, you don't fucking turn him down. But, that's what Mr. Fallon had done. Peckerhead was too stupid to know who he was dealing with which was hard to wrap his own head around. How, the fuck, did the cop not recognize him? He owned the goddamn police. The man needed to be taught a lesson for his disrespect. The man needed to die for hurting Trinity.

It was nearly four in the afternoon. Eugenia was scheduled to be back to the office soon. Hopefully, she had some information to give. He wanted every detail. Something told him, Trinity would be less likely to spill her guts which was just fine. He had ways of getting the information he needed.

For now, he would wait. Wait and think. Trinity was never far from his thoughts. Ever since he had seen her in the grocery store and again at his club, he couldn't stop. She was, hands down, the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen.

Petite and curvy in all of the right places. And her hair? Don't get him started on her hair. It was so pale and looked silk soft, she could easily pass for an angel. What he wouldn't give to run his fingers through that platinum.

Her eyes were a dark blue reminding him of sapphires, wide and deep set. High cheekbones complimented a slim, pert nose and full pink lips begging to be bitten. Every inch of her was perfect. She was made for him.

The only obstacle standing in his way was her husband, which really wasn't an obstacle at all. The guy was a schmuck. Easily dealt with. A phone call was all it would take. But he'd wait. He wanted to know every detail before he wrote his prescription for Mr. Fallon.

A soft knock broke Dante from his thoughts. It had to be Eugenia. He quickly bade her entry.

"Expecting someone else?"

Dante frowned at his vice president. "I was. What do you want, Gio?"

"Is that anyway to treat your right hand man? Your capo in training? Your nephew?" Giovanni smirked.

"As your boss and uncle? Of course it is."

"Fair enough. Anyway, order number nine is scheduled for shipping tomorrow morning."

"And where's the shipper's export declaration? Didn't Jewell type it up for me? I haven't seen it."

"Woah, uncle. Relax. I've got it right here."

"I want the ocean bill of lading too," Dante mumbled.

"Mhm. It's there."

Dante quickly read over the documents, making corrections in red pen before handing it back to his nephew.

"You realize how important this shit is, Gio? Someday, you'll be in my shoes."

"Unlikely. Especially if you have a son. Then I'll be off the hook," Gio grinned.

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