Chapter 18

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It wasn't awkward like Trinity thought it would be. They all sat together watching a movie, eating and joking around. It was also an entirely different side to Dante than what she had ever seen before. She couldn't look away.

For one thing, he wasn't in a suit. He wore black sweatpants and a t-shirt, without any shoes. The relaxed look shaved years off of him. He laughed a lot around his niece and nephew and joked mercilessly.

What a warm family. It was so strange to watch. She never experienced a close family dynamic like this one. Not growing up with a sister or a brother always kept her curious as to how it would feel. Now she knew. It felt nice. Loving. It hit her then. She never really felt or

Her parents were never affectionate, and she didn't have siblings to fill the void. David was always hurting her. Becky hugged her from time to time, but it wasn't the same. No wonder she couldn't recognize how wrong her relationship with David had been.

She was too busy trying to feel accepted. Trying to feel loved. Her chest felt tight. She didn't have this. Suddenly, she felt jealous. Not in a bad way, just in a way where she wished this was her life. She should be counting her lucky stars Gio befriended her. At least she could get to watch them interact. Hopefully, without looking creepy.

As much fun as it was to watch, it created longing. Maybe it would be better to leave. She didn't really fit in here. Her presence felt like more of an intrusion. What time was it anyway? A glance at her watch told her it was quarter to eleven. Time really did fly when having fun. She overstayed her welcome. As much as she didn't want to interrupt the banter that was going on, it was time to go.

"Um, I should get going," she said soft not wanting all eyes to be on her, yet they were.

"Aww. Why!" Bella cried.

"It's late. I-I should go," she whispered.

"You don't have to, Trin. You could even stay overnight if you want to," Gio said grabbing a cookie.

Trinity shook her head aware of Dante's eyes on her. She swallowed, "Thank you, but I should really go. Thank you so much for having me. It was really fun." Trinity quickly grabbed her things and hugged Bella. She knew it was probably a weird thing to do, but she couldn't help it. The girl hugged her back just as tight.

"Gimme a hug, bestie." Gio squeezed her hard then let her go. "See ya Monday! Oh, but text me when you get home so I know you made it alive. I'll call you tomorrow!"

No one ever said that to her before. How...different. "Okay."

"I'll walk you out," Dante offered.

They went down the stairs and to the door where Trinity put her shoes on.

"You could take Gio up on his offer, you know."

Trinity glanced up.

"To stay over. That way you wouldn't have to drive home," he clarified.

"I can't do that, Dante. It wouldn't be right. It's not even right that I'm here," she whispered. She didn't exactly know why she was whispering. Maybe because she knew, in the back of her mind, she didn't know where Gio's parents were.

"Why not?"

"This is your family, Dante, and I'm your secretary. I don't want to make you uncomfortable or cross any lines. The last thing you need is to feel strange at the office. I don't want that for you."

"Are you not Gio's friend? He really likes you, Trin. He called you his best friend. He never does that. He has a lot of friends too."

"Of course I'm his friend. It's just...i-i-it's," her eyes squeezed.

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