Chapter 11

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Why did he go to her house again? It was as if he couldn't stay away. In doing so, he raised her suspicion. He didn't need that. If she were very curious, she could easily do an internet search and find numerous articles linking him to his famous family. Actually, he was surprised she hadn't already. Perhaps the attraction was one sided. God, he hoped not.

Either way, he couldn't stop thinking about last night. It kept him awake. She was so perfect. Especially when they were leaving. Never had he seen such bravado in such tiny packaging. Some of his toughest men would never be so bold. It was as if she were daring David. It was truly impressive.

Trinity was the one for him. No doubt about it. She complimented him perfectly. Even Gladys and Olivia noticed going so far as to comment on them as a couple. It felt damn good. But, Trinity was damaged. For him to establish a relationship, even with attraction, would take a very long time. It would require finesse.

Not that he particularly relished the thought of manipulating Trinity's feelings, but it had to be done. He needed to win her trust. Once he established that, he could move forward with suggesting therapy if she wanted it. Hopefully she did. She didn't deserve to live with the demons she carried.

If only he had met her before David Fallon. But for any real chance of that, he would have needed to be ten years younger. Perhaps attending the same school. If his nephew, Gio, wouldn't have had private schooling, he could have met her a few years ago himself. No matter what, Dante's age was against him. Nothing could be done for it. Well, that wasn't particularly true. One thing could be done. One thing would be done. Eradicating David Fallon's age all together. Today was the day.

If the cocksucker didn't show up, he'd hunt him down. He wasn't about to play any more games. Then, after today, he'd have someone tell Trinity David was dead and go from there. Dante dragged in a deep breath. Today was Trinity's independence day. She just didn't know it yet.

What time was it? Seven thirty. He needed to get to the office. He'd go in through the private entrance in the back rather than the front. For all he knew, David could be waiting for him when the damn building opened. He didn't need that. Hopefully, the idiot didn't go in with guns blazing. Of course, even if he did, he'd be gunned down immediately. There was no way he'd let any of his employees suffer any harm by the fuck.

Dante stepped on the gas and made it to the office in record time. The scrape guard on his vehicle hit the ramp causing him to cringe. Too fast. Slowing his speed, he parked into his designated spot and went inside.

Everything seemed normal. People were heading to their offices nodding their hellos, some more enthusiastic than others. A woman, who took care of some of the data entry, ran up and offered him a coffee. Was that her coffee? He politely declined. He wasn't about to drink someone else's coffee.

Another employee, one of his accountants, offered his newspaper. What was wrong with people? He'd bet a finger the man had that thing in the bathroom with him. No thank you. Dante shook his head. He couldn't get to his office fast enough. Christ!

"Mr. Venturi! Oh! Mr. Venturi!"

Great. Margaret. She tried nearly everyday to gain a word with him. He didn't have time for this. He needed to brief Andrew and Michael. When David arrived, which he would, his men needed to be with him. From his office they would transport David to shed two, or was it ten? Yes, ten. Ten had plumbing. He would definitely need running water.

"Good morning, Margaret. Have a nice day," Dante smiled but kept walking. If he stopped now, he'd be doomed.

"Oh, Mr. Venturi, can I have a moment of your time?"

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