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Playlist: Something Big by Shawn Mendes

Shane's POV
Me and my friends decide to find a new hang out where we can have fun and we've almost scanned through everywhere in Lagos.

After walking miles and miles, we see a path that leads to a pure lake and calming trees. It's really beautiful i must admit. It was all my idea to follow this path though

I'm Shane Chukwudili Edwards, I'm seventeen and I'm your everyday Nigerian guy. I love to hang out with my friends and I'm literally the life of every party. I'm an artist in the making with so many artistic creations.

" Guys this is the best, let's name it the unforseen beauty" I say and feel my eyes lighting up at the thought of making a painting of the scenery.

" Cool dude" " I agree" "love the name" my friends say, all of them hyping me and I give them my award winning smile.

I look at the surroundings and take in the sight I see. I'm about to get my art materials when I click eyes with a figure standing beside the entrance of the path and she slowly walks away.

I run towards her and she runs faster "wait..."
I say holding her shoulder and she turns around and looks at me with no emotion on her face.

"Excuse me" she says folding her arms.
"I just wanted to know why you looked worried seeing me and my friends here" I say pointing to the view.

"Well, for starters" she takes my hand of her shoulder and push It away slightly guess I didn't realize I was still holding her.

"And second of all, this place is taken already and I think you and your friends should leave" she says and I see a hint of anger.

I raise my hands in surrender. I've never seen anyone looking so emotionless and rigid before. She has this aura that makes me want to know more. But I put up a fight.

" Oh sorry, I didn't see your name anywhere here" I say emphasizing on the word 'here'.
She twitches as though she's shocked but remains rigid.

"It's clearly written on the tree by your side" she says giving into a slightly proud tone. I look on the tree and see her name inscripted on it.

Valerie Chisom Trevor. I capture the name in my thoughts.

I'm not one to easily give up on things I like and this view is something I now adore.

"It still doesn't prove you have ownership of this place, it just means you have ownership over this tree" I say tapping on the tree. I'm glad that I made a comeback and I smirk.

"You have no manners, you-you troublemaker!" She says bitterly and turns to leave and I celebrate my victory over her but by the look in her eyes, pain fills them and I grip unto her hand and when I get her attention, I let go.

"Okay look, va- le-rie" I say putting stress in each syllable.

"We can actually share this place you know?, then none of us will have to leave"
She keeps a Stern gaze on a tree as though she was thinking.

"Fine, but there should be a division and a set of rules" she doesn't make eye contact.

"Agreed, so we can make the division tommorow then?" I say waiting for an answer but she stays quiet.

"If that's okay with you" I say raising my hand for a shake.
She mutters that I can't seem to understand and speaks.

"Agreed" she says leaving my hand dangling.

Well, so much for a girl, she seems like a safe with confidential files containing secrets and other things that I can't seem to figure out and she carries this unemotional face that makes me wonder who she is and why she is that way.

I've met many people in my life but none like her, she's kinda rude but that's okay. I don't hold grudges. I shrug and meet my friends.

Ok guys, there's a new character and I hope you like this chapter.
Please if you see any errors, point it out on my Dm and I'll work on it cuz my phone is always stalling.

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Bye loves

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