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REYNA p.o.v

After the feast I went to look for Percy so I could show him his room in the Principia next to mine and discuss other stuff.

After walking around I saw him, he was sitting by the Little Tiber with his legs in the water. I went and sat down next to him.

"So, how do you like being Praetor?" I asked him.

"Well it's pretty much the same, but with a fancy cape" He said, and I couldn't help but laugh.

PERCY p.o.v

Listening to Reyna's laugh was like a drug. I just couldn't get enough of it.

There was a comfortable silence and then she spoke. "Do you remember anything yet?"

I looked at her, her hair shining in the moonlight. "Some things, I think there is another camp somewhere and that's where I'm from"

"Another camp? how is that possible, we would have found it after all these years." She was right it was strange, but I knew that's where I came from.

"I don't know" I say "maybe the gods want to keep them apart."

She looks into my eyes and I looked into hers. They looked like the night sky and where pulling me like gravity towards them.

Without even realizing we both leaned forward, our faces were so close I could feel her warm breath tickling my skin. And then it happened, our lips locked into a small and gentile kiss. We stayed like that for what seemed like forever and eventually broke apart.

"I'm sorry" She said. I was confused, I mean she didn't do anything wrong. Did she not want this?

"What for?" I asked. She looked down into the calm water of the river.

"It's just, ever since Jason left I've been very lonely, and t-then you c-came and you're so much like him but so different at the same time. And I know you probably don't want to be with me but I just wan-" I cut her off with another kiss, this time more passionate. I felt sparks fly up my lips, it was the best feeling ever.

REYNA p.o.v

I couldn't believe it. He kissed me! I feel like i'm floating on a cloud, his lips taste like the sea. They were so addictive... Ugh! what is happening to me, I sound like a Venus kid. How can he make me feel like this!

After what could have been a minute or an hour we both pulled away. He pulls me in a tight embrace, I rest my head on his muscular chest and darkness started clouding my vision.

Time Skip-Reyna's room

I woke up the next morning in my bed, had it all been a dream? no. It was too real to be a dream.

I don't know how I ended up in my bed though, I guess Percy carried me here. He's so amazing... Anyway I got dressed and walked down to the pavilion for breakfast.

I saw Percy sitting on the praetor table, he looks so cute in a toga. I walk to him and sit in my seat.

"Good morning, how did you sleep?" he says to me and smirks. I could feel the heat rising to my face. It was definitely not a dream then.

"I slept well thank you" I say. Just then Frank comes up to our table with his arm around Hazel. I guess they're a thing now.

"Hey guys, where were you last night we couldn't find you anywhere." Frank says. Percy choked on his orange juice and I started to blush again. Luckily nobody noticed.

"Uhh... Reyna was just showing me around the Principia and stuff?" He replies, though it sounded more like a question. Thank the gods they bought it. That was a close call.

"Oh ok, so do you guys want to go to New Rome for the day?" Hazel asks. I looked at Percy and he nodded.

"Sure we would love to" I say, and with that we went off to the Roman city.

PERCY p.o.v

We went through the streets and all the people waved and some even bowed. I guess that's what you get when you're praetor...

I was thinking about my problem. You see yesterday after bringing Reyna to her room I got more of my memories back, memories of Camp Half-Blood, the titan war and most important, memories of Annabeth.

I remember all my adventures with her, but i'm not too sure of my relationship with her. I mean I like Reyna, a lot. So I hope Annabeth wasn't anything more than a friend to me. Well, I don't actually remember kissing her or anything like that so I guess we were just close friends...

I was taken out of my thoughts when we reached a coffee shop. Reyna looks at me and smiles.

"Come on, this place makes the best hot chocolate ever!" She says eagerly. I couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm for hot chocolate. Don't get me wrong, I like chocolate but it would be so much better if it was blue... That's an idea! Sorry i'm getting distracted, on with the story.

We order some hot chocolate and sat down at a table near the window. Frank and Hazel were talking about what puppy Frank would look the cutest as, and me and Reyna kept stealing glances at each other. I couldn't help it, she's just that beautiful...

After about a half hour Frank and Hazel said they had a date and they left. So then it was just me and Reyna. It was still kind of awkward after what happened yesterday, but I don't regret it one bit.

"Sooo... want to go for a walk" I asked, my ADHD was acting up and I needed something to do.

"Sure" She answers.

We got up and started to walk around the streets of New Rome. We talked about being a Praetor and stuff like that, our hands brushing together from time to time. I took a chance and took her hand in mine, she filched a bit but then relaxed. I couldn't help but notice how here hand fit perfectly in mine.

After our walk we decided to go over to the Principia and get some work done, after a battle the Praetors have to sort out all the paperwork for the damage done to the camp.

Reyna sat on the opposite side of the desk and we got to work. After about two hours I was getting really tired, so I decided to mess with Reyna for a bit.

I got up, and brought my chair behind her and started massaging her back. She was trying to ignore me but eventually gave in.

"How are you feeling?" I ask. She continues to do her paperwork.

"Fine, my neck feels very stiff though." She says still looking down at the paper.

"Well, I can help with that." I say, and start massaging her neck. She was definitely enjoying it cause she let out the occasional moan. But then she suddenly turns around and faces me, and for the second time I felt her warm breath against my skin.

Without a warning she attacks my lips and our tongues fighting for dominance. After a while she won and started to explore my mouth, she did that for a while and I could feel her hands going up my shirt and massaging my muscles. I put my hand on her thighs making her moan into my mouth. By that point our bodies were so close you would think we were trying to combine them.

Suddenly we hear a knock on the door and jump of each other. I looked at Reyna, her hair was a mess and her lips were puffy. I probably looked about the same, so I try and straighten my hair though I probably still looked like I went through a hurricane.

Reyna answers the door and...

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