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HAZEL p.o.v

I was walking to the fifth cohort barracks with Frank when a legionnaire comes running towards us.

"Have you seen Percy or Reyna anywhere? we found a scroll sent to the Praetors from a place named Camp Half-Blood, can you get this to them?" I nod, he gives me the scroll and runs off in the other direction.

"What do you think it is?" I ask Frank, he shrugs.

"Don't know but we should get this to Reyna and Percy."He says. With that we went towards the Principia and knock on the door. 

There was no answer so I knock again, this time Reyna opens the door. Her hair was a mess and her cape was crooked, which was strange considering she always looks perfect and professional.

"Yes?" She asks, I take the scroll out of my pocket and show her. 

"A legionnaire says that It was sent for the Praetors from a place named Camp Half-Blood" As soon as I said that Percy came running to the door.

"Did you say camp?!" He shouts. He looked worse than Reyna, his hair was all over the place and his Praetor cape was only attached to his left shoulder. 

"Yes why?" I ask, he grins.

"Camp Half-Blood, that's where I'm from!" Wait... did he just say that's where he's from? "Well what are you waiting for open it!" He screams.

PERCY p.o.v

Hazel twists the scroll slightly and a video recording flickered on the parchment. A kid in Greek armor grinned up at them. 

He had an impish face, curly black hair, and wild eyes, like he'd just had several cups of coffee. He was sitting in a dark room with timber walls like a ship's cabin. Oil lamps swung back and forth on the ceiling. 

Hazel stifled a scream. 

"What?" Frank asked. "What's wrong?"Slowly, I realized the curly-haired kid looked familiar—and not from my memories.

 I had seen that face in an old photo.

"Hey!" said the guy in the video. "Greetings from your friends at Camp Half-Blood, etcetera. This is Leo. I'm the..." He looked off screen and yelled: 

"What's my title? Am I Like admiral, or captain, or—" A girl's voice yelled back "Repair boy." 

"Very funny, Piper," Leo grumbled. He turned back to the parchment screen. 

So yeah, I'm ... ah ... supreme commander of the Argo II. Yeah, I like that! Anyway, we're gonna be sailing toward you in about, I dunno, an hour and we'll arrive in a week or so in this big mother warship. We'd appreciate it if you'd not, like, blow us out of the sky or anything. So okay! If you could tell the Romans that. See you soon. Yours in demigodishness, and all that. Peace out." The parchment turned blank.

"It can't be," Hazel said. "What?" Frank asked. "You know that guy?" 

Hazel looked like she'd seen a ghost. I understood why. He remembered the photo in Hazel's abandoned house in Seward. The kid on the warship looked exactly like Hazel's old boyfriend.

 "It's Sammy Valdez," she said. "But—"

"It can't be," I said. "That guy's name is Leo. And it's been seventy-something years. It has to be a..."I wanted to say a coincidence, but I couldn't make myself believe that.

Over the past few years I'd seen a lot of things: destiny, prophecy, magic, monsters, fate. But I'd never yet run across a coincidence. We were interrupted by horns blowing in the distance. 

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