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PERCY p.o.v

I wake up in an unfamiliar room, my back hurts like Hades and I have a killer headache. I look around and see a bloody shirt lying on the floor, probably mine. Why is there blood?

I was about to get up when the door bursts open and I'm tackled by a blur onto the bed, I groan and the blur jumps of me muttering an apology. Getting a better look I realize that it was in fact Reyna, she was staring at me and blushing. I'm confused until I remember my state of undress and smirk.

"Like what you see?" I tease her, grinning cheekily. Which I realize was probably not a good idea as I look at her face, now red with anger. Eventually she calms down, cursing me under her breath.

"Your lucky I love you, or you would be dead meat." She threatens. I just smile sheepishly.

"Aww... I love too!" I exclaim dramatically. She sighs and comes to sit on the bed. I get up into a sitting position and wrap my hands around her waist, my chin resting on her head. We stayed like that, enjoying eachothers company when the door bursts open.

"Hey Reyna, is Percy up ye- ..." In the doorway stood Leo, his eyes wide at the position we were in, Reyna jumps of the bed and onto her feet blushing. I clear my throat awkwardly trying to gain the boy's attention.

"Umm... Hi Leo." I say, rubbing the back of my head. "Is there something you need?"

He just stares at me until his eyes slowly move to Reyna, who was just standing uncomfortably, finally he breaks out of his trance.

"Uh? Oh right, we'll be arriving in Rome in a few hours." He says awkwardly. "Welp, I have somewhere to be sooo..." Before I could say anything he runs out of the room as fast as his legs can carry him.

I look at Reyna, she was staring at the door where Leo stood moments ago, she had a panicked expression on her face.

"Don't worry, I doubt he'll say anything." I move closer and put my hand on her shoulder. "Even if he did, does it really matter? I mean, our relationship isn't exactly a secret. Frank and Hazel both know along with everyone in camp Jupiter, by the looks she's giving us I imagine Annabeth knows too. It was only a matter of time." I wrap my hands around her and she lays her head on my chest.

"I know, but-" She stops herself before saying what she was going to.

"But... what?" I ask, she sighs and lifts her head so she can look at me.

"It's just well... I feel like I fell for you, when you weren't mine to fall for." She says, her eyes tearing up a little.

"Hey, what are you talking about?" I ask her, a concerned look on my face.

"You know what I'm talking about Percy, though you refuse to accept it. Even if you didn't remember her, she was still your girlfriend."

Tears were now slowly slipping down her face. I hate seeing her like this, so vulnerable, but deep down I know she's right, I always have. I cheated on Annabeth, I did the very thing that my flaw would prevent me from doing. If I had remembered her this never would have happened.

It's not that I regret being with Reyna, of course not, I love her! Ugh, curse Aphrodite!

"I know what I did, I know it was wrong. But if I hadn't you wouldn't be with me right know, and to me that's what matters most." I kiss her forehead and she leans back onto my chest.

"You should talk to her you know, she probably cooled of by now." She says. Though talking to Annabeth at the moment doesn't sound very fun Reyna is right. It's not fair to her if I just keep acting like nothing happened.

"Ok, I will. But now we should go up to the deck, we'll be in Rome soon remember?" She nods and much to my dismay pulls away from my embrace.

"Lets go."

We walk up to the deck in silence. When we get there I see everyone except Leo, who was probably in the engine room. Upon seeing me Frank and Hazel  give me a big hug,  Annabeth looked conflicted on what to do. Finally she settled on a small smile, which I returned. 

Piper also comes and hugs me, the blush on her face when she pulls away doesn't go unnoticed by me. I hope it means nothing, I really don't want my love life to get any more complicated. Jason also seemed to notice this judging by the suspicious glance he was giving me.

Frank was telling me about everything that happened since the fight, nothing too exciting apparently. We kept chatting when I hear Piper gasp.

"Guys look!" She exclaims, pointing to the land under the flying warship. We all go to see what she was seeing, and boy was it a sight to behold.

Under me the city of Rome stood proudly, I get a glimpse of the colosseum in the distance along with other things I can't place. Annabeth certainly did though, since she was already rambling over the architecture of each building. I smiled at the that, I may not love her like that anymore but I still consider her one of my best friends.

I just hope some day she can to...

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