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His last words kept me quiet the whole segment of them escorting me in.

They had a small screen right outside this gigantic door, I looked around and noticed the gated area with no other sign of humans around.

Soon the doors unraveled and a warm air rushed past me, mixing with the cold breeze from the pouring rain outside.

"Comeon in." Riot held my wrist and dragged me in closing the door through a screen behind him.

"You said tank's already in?" I asked whilst scanning the whole area. Inside it wasn't as dark as I expected. It had grey brick walls and white lights hanging from the ceiling.

"Yeah, he had to make some arrangements." He replied and walked through a hallway, with me following behind like a puppy.

"What kind?" I asked with a spark of curiosity, I wasn't sure what was happening but it didn't feel right.

It was as if I was getting kidnapped but with my own consent.

"Well he had to inform them that we had arrive so they could be ready to meet you." Riot answered plainly with no expression on his face nor any emotion through his voice.

I grabbed his wrist and made the man stop in his steps, he turned his head around and looked down at me. Confused.

"Who's them? I thought it was just you two?" A tint of worrisome filled my voice.

"Don't worry, you'll find out." He released his wrist from my grasp and kept walking leaving my puzzled mind behind.

Two men who I didn't know basically anything about beside their body had brought me to a random,creepy warehouse in the middle of nowhere and he wants me to not worry?!

Without any hesitation, something in my mind clicked and I jogged to catch up with the boy. "You stop there, right now!" I snapped, grabbing his wrist once again.

"Where's this anger coming from?" He questioned with still no emotion displayed.

I was getting sick of that face, him acting as if nothings happening.

"Are you joking?! You've basically kidnapped me. Taking me to your house then not allowing me to go back home and now forcing me to come here with you to a musty crusty warehouse. You could be killing people back there!" I lashed out, my eyes a little watery, my face fully red, my hand clenched.

"Forced? Don't kid yourself I have not forced you to come here you came here willingly." He chucked even though he looked disappointed.

My heart crushed a little, he wasn't lying. No one forced me here I came here cause I didn't mind not because they had forced me to.

He pulled on my wrist and dragged me a few feet away ,now standing in front of a iron door which nearly blended in with the walls.

"Now, I'm gonna have to force you." He glared down upon me, "your gonna stay quiet and not make a scene."

He unlocked the door and pulled it open and placed his hand on my back gently pushing my fragile body in.

"Took you long enough, hello Y/N."

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