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My hands sweating out of nervousness, my body trembling, my knees weak. I breathed out hard and my worried shrinking out of fear figure relaxed.

Riot unlocked the door with his fingerprint through a machine and pushed the door open.

My eyes widened as I was encountered by a group of people sitting around a long table on a couch that circled around it.

The smell of strange products, I assumed drugs, filled my lungs and I coughed.

All the eyes now on me and I felt myself getting smaller, completely out of my comfort zone.

Tank pushed by me from behind, hitting our shoulders and walked into the room, praising  his friends. Everyone who seemed unapproachable now grew a smile on their face as they saw him and cheered him as he grabbed one of the cups with some sort of drink out of someone's hand and drank it down all in one gulp.

Riot pulled me in and closed the door behind me, locking me in in a room with led purple lights and a white light right on top of the table.  The atmosphere it created was very unfamiliar.

Loud music played in the back as Riot pulled me towards the table where mostly everyone was sat; some snorting stuff up their nose, some smoking zoots, some drinking strong alcohol, others playing card on top of the wooden table and of course some dancing to the music which were being played loudly, surprisingly I wasn't able to smell or hear anything from outside.

Wouldn't this be a great place to gang bang, no one will hear anything nor see.

Riot moved some people aside and sat me down on the sofa in between a girl snorting and a boy smoking, great.

"I'll get you a drink." He said and walked away, leaving me, an introvert, with intimidating people.

The boy turned his head to me as soon as Riot disappeared and smiled at me, his eyes red.

"What's your name, sweetheart?" He turned himself fully to look at me and smiled when he noticed me feeling uncomfortable.

He placed his hand on mine, his cold touch sent chills down my body and I shook a little.

"I won't hurt you." He smirked and dragged his hand up my arm and I quickly grabbed his hand, squeezing it and removing it off me, placing it on the table.

I realised the more weak I seemed to them the more vulnerable i was to them, "Y/N." I plainly replied.

He looked at his hand on the table being forced down with mine on top of his and looked back at me and relished, taking entertainment in me trying to act hard in front of him.

He raised his other hand with a joint in it which he was smoking a few moments ago and offered me it by placing it right in front of my mouth and nodded.

I looked at the zoot in his hand and looked around to try and find Riot or Tank to come save me however both of them where no where to be found so I had to take the matter into my own hands.

The drugs already being performed by others was fully enough to make a rookie like me high or drunk just by smelling.

"I don't need drugs, cause I'm already high enough."

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