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Impatiently I sat in my seat, bouncing my leg. Waiting for riot to come back with a drink which suspiciously took ages.

A sudden hand gripped my thigh and I shot my eyes up to meet the druggie guy staring at me, in absolute disgust I slapped his hand off and flared at him.

"Girl don't get the wrong decision, your leg shaking was getting on my nerves. I had to stop it." He laughed in disbelieve and rubbed his now red hand.

My mouth formed a O and i apologised for misunderstanding his intentions, he just smiled and went back to his entertainment.

I looked around and my eyes landed on Tank, surrounded by his friends. Smoking a cigar.

Not gonna lie I hated the smell of cigarettes however he just made it look so attractive. The clouds of smokes building up above his head and his reddish eyes.

I observed the man carefully, the way his rings fitted his long fingers, the way he sucked the cigar, the way he exhaled the smoke and basically everything else.

His veiny hand looks like my next necklace.

He must have noticed me staring, the man stood up and released an aura of power.

He walked towards me, with every step he took my heartbeat got faster until he stopped right in front me, only the table separating us.

He seductively watched me as my hands got sweaty and I crossed my legs tightly.

He offered me a hand and I accepted, his cold palm against my warm one.i stood up and squeezed past the people around me to now stand infront of Tank who was looking down at me.

The man smirked and my stomach quickly filled up with butterflies. I watched as he looked around and grabbed a plastic cup filled with alcohol, strong I assumed from the smell.

Rapidly, he chucked down the drink or so I thought, grabbed my neck and slid his arms around my waist like a snake. Pulling me in against him, so close I could feel his heartbeat almost.

He pushed my face forwards and connected his lips with mine and dropped the drink now into my mouth and me being shorter than him had no option other than drink it since I couldn't throw it back into his mouth nor would he let go and let me spit it out.

The liquid burned its way down my throat and a single tear escaped my eyes from the bitterness.

He let go and I took in a large amount of oxygen in. The individual grabbed my wrist and pulled me aggressively towards the dance floor or so it was. A Walmart version of a club.

The loud music now changed to Na Na by Trey Songz and a switch flipped in basically everyone, this song bought out the inner stripped.

Tank pulled me right in the middle of everyone, sweaty drug infected people who were dancing as if there was no tomorrow. Some dancing by themselves others with a companion.

He looked down at me, right into my eyes and placed both his hands on my waist moving it to the beat and spun me around to do the same now only to his dick.

A lowly groaned into my ear leaving my knees weak as he moved my hips on himself to the song.

He lowered his head into the crook of my neck and sniffed my perfume, in desperation he picked his hand up and pulled my hair to one side. Now licking and sucking on it.

Let me see that big dick daddy.

"Lets finish what we had started earlier." He whispered into my ear and pulled me away to the opposite direction from where we came from when a masculine hand, on his chest, stopped him from going any further into a random hallway.

Both me and Tank raised our eyes annoyed to meet none other than Riot who had disappeared for this whole time but decided to come right when things started going well.

Tank rolled his eyes and ripped also Riots hand and pulled us both into a room, one that seemed like a storage room? and closed the door behind him.

He walked over to us both, "I'm feeling lucky tonight."

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