Chapter 47

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After the veil had been placed, bai zhi helped feng jiu up and settled her down in the seat at the head of the room between all the family members. A few moments later, they heard the sound of the arriving wedding procession. With each passing moment, they could feel the tremendous strength of the entourage's combined aura.

Zhe yan watched feng jiu, twiddling her thumbs rapidly in anxiety. He chuckled as he sat beside her.

"impatient to see your groom, xaio jiu?" He asked, with amusement dripping from his voice. He saw her nod before she spoke, "I am, but..." he understood the excitement in her voice as he completed her sentence. "but you want to see what he will do to cross the hurdles more." Fervently, she nodded her veiled head which sent zhe yan through another bout of chuckles.

Since, feng jiu couldn't see anything except her hands, feet and floor, she waited for zhe yan's chuckles to subside. She wanted to ask him for help in seeing what was happening outside. Not one to disappoint, zhe yan handed her a small mirror as she heard him speak, "here, you can see what is happening right now, on this. Visualize the place you want to see and it will appear on the mirror. Keep this as my wedding gift to you." She nodded her head in gratitude before she visualized the path that led to the fox den.

While donghua was going through the hurdles outside, feng jiu saw and heard every word he spoke on the mirror in her hands. With every sentence, it became more and more difficult for her to control her tears. In the middle of the first hurdle, she even had to place a locking spell on her eyes to prevent herself from tearing up. And it wasn't just feng jiu that got emotional at donghua's words. The whole family heard what was happening outside. Everyone was moved as they watched him clear the first hurdle. Then bai qian disappeared from their side to present him with his second hurdle.

Outside the fox den, after bai qian had finished speaking, she stood guarding the gate, waiting silently. The requirement that bai qian had presented to get through the last hurdle, made everyone sweat in distress. The reason being high goddess bai qian was a known cynic, famous for her skeptical and untrusting nature. The world's only high goddess had always demanded balance in all things and was extremely distrustful of people's intentions. This demand of bai qian has thrown even ye hua for a loop. He knew, from experience, that convincing bai qian of something was a dreadful and fatal task. This stemmed from the fact that ye hua, himself had to die for bai qian to believe that he truly loved her. So, he dreaded as to what dijun will have to do in order to fulfill his requirement. He stepped forward and was about to question bai qian on her demands when dijun raised a hand, motioning for him to stop.

Being fully honest with himself, dong hua acquiesced that he had not seen this one coming but judging from the general distrustful nature of bai qian, he thought, he should have foreseen a probability like this. But nevertheless, after living for so many millennias dong hua had become a master in the art of adaptation. He reached into his sleeve to take out something, as he spoke, "I agree with your statement that for us to stand here today, xaio bai has had to sacrifice too many times to count and that is something which I carry with a heavy burden on my heart. The little thing that I am about to show you, was originally meant as a wedding gift for xaio bai and not one to be shared with others. But since the situation demands for it, I am willing to display it now in answer to your requirement."

Dong hua then opened his hand before bai qian. In his hand rested a delicate little glazed ring, with a red phoenix flower at the top. Though the ring was beautiful, bai qian was unimpressed. She looked up at donghua with a single arched eyebrow. Dong hua let out a small dry chuckle before he tossed the ring in the air above them. Flying through the air, the ring glowed as it transformed into what seemed to be, the half of an anatomical heart. Suspended in the air, inside a bright azure blue shield, bai qian gas0ped, unable to believe the truth in front of her. Dong hua offered her more clarity, as he explained, "a long time back, xaio bai told me that the only thing she asked of me was my heart and my love. Since she already has both, I decided to fulfill the first part of her wish literally. I believe this was also the answer you were looking for."

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