Chapter 66

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While feng jiu was busy at the ruoshi river bank, dong hua had arrived at the ancient demon burial site. With mo yuan's seal now gone, he could see the demon army calmly roaming around and getting ready to start another phase of this battle.

Before proceeding with his plan, he carefully took stock of the demons present to make sure that none of them had wandered out of this burial site till now. after carefully analyzing the situation, dong hua slowly spread out his fingers, emitting heavy layers of fog and mist from the tips.

In the middle of a clear night with the moon shining high, the demon burial site was slowly shrouded in darkness and fog. The clouds had covered the moon fully and a heavy layer of miasma has surrounded the demons. The miasma was so thick that the demons felt themselves to be almost blind. Their senses were tingling and going overboard. It was hard for them to understand what was going on.

But, among all this, the older and more experienced elders of the demons that had been revived later on because of their heavy spirits had a premonition of the incoming threat. These prehistoric demons knew that this was the sign of dong hua's arrival. They had been defeated enough times by him to know that the old master of the universe was the only one powerful enough to make a scene of this caliber. Still, they were at a loss of what he was aiming at here. It was clearly understood that the sole master never did anything that could be foreseen or premediated beforehand. So, all they could do now was to be on their guard and look out for the approaching danger. It was not that they weren't fearful of this eminent god. Instead, the fear was making their heart quiver was soothed by their constant belief that since they had been revived once, they could be revived by this land again. they were trying to reassure themselves that even if they were to die today, they would be resurrected back tomorrow.

Flowing through the fog, donghua was listening to their rampant thoughts. He had originally created this miasma to enable him to silently look for the place where the wildfire was buried but now, listening to the demons non-sensical thoughts, he couldn't help but let out a chuckle. His one chuckle spread out as a cold and hard sneer throughout the fog, intimidating the demons further.

Tired of waiting for the old god to come out, the eldest demon present there, spoke out loud, "if you want to fight then come and fight. What's the meaning of doing all this?"

He waited anxiously for a reply but all he received was silence. Shrouded in this heavy miasma that was working his nerves raw, the eldest demon again called out, "dong hua come out and fight with us."

Dong hua on the other hand was enjoying their discomfort a lot. After he was done with his survey, he called out in a mocking tone, "calling out my name, you have gotten quite fearless in your death haven't you?"

The eldest demon's body and soul quivered at the thinly veiled threat in the old god's word but he wasn't willing to lose face in front of his comrades and subordinates. So, putting up a brave front, he opened his mouth to call out again but slowly, the miasma began to lift.

As the fog started to clear, the demons looked around in order to search for the owner of the voice that -they had heard. It took them a couple of minutes to find dong hua calmly sitting on what appeared to be a radial cloud and floating in the air several meters above them.

Since these were all ancient demons that had lived and died in the chaotic times of war, they were all familiar with the power and prowess of dong hua. Almost all of them had died either at the hands of this god or one of his generals. Even with the prior familiarity with their opponent, they still felt that something was different with the old god. His aura and strength seemed to have multiplied many folds in the past eras. Instead of getting older and weaker, it looked as if dong hua had only gotten stronger and more agile.

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