Chapter 57

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Dong hua appeared back in the fox den after completing up his tasks in the sky kingdom. The mess that had been created today could have been avoided easily had ye hua stepped up to the mantle of his responsibilities. But since this was the first error, the young crown prince had made in so long, dong hua had let him off with just a warning. There was also the matter of the woman who had acted as a witness during the whole hearing, so he had to ensure her safety, too. With the way hao de was going now, it was hard to predict as to far how we will go just to satisfy his own vanity. Resultantly, donghua had handed over the responsibility of the wise lady to his trusted steward, Zhong lin. After hearing out all the other reports, si ming had for him, it had taken him quite a few hours to get back to the fox den.

Still, absent as he was, he knew everything that had gone down in the fox den. Just like he had done for feng jiu, by allowing her entry to his mind and be a spectator for everything that happened around him during the court proceedings similarly, Feng jiu had also shown him every single moment of her conversation with lian song and cheng yu. To say he was extremely proud of his little fox would be an understatement. She had handled such a tedious and delicate task with such efficiency and had come out nothing but stronger from it. The hand he had given her had been faulty at best and dong hua was well aware of that. But the way she had played it out had proven once again, why she was the only one that could have been worthy of being his dihou, even if the fates hadn't played out the way they had.

Standing in the doorway of her study, leaning against the door, he felt seamless contentment at seeing her smile and hearing the melodious, bell-like sound of her laugh. As he watched her, he softly called out, "oh, it looks like I'm no longer needed here, now that you have your friends."

Feng jiu looked up surprised at the sound of dong hua's voice. As his words registered with her, she noticed that the usual expressionless face now held a pursed set of lips on it. This little deviation indicated his unhappiness at being ignored by feng jiu which was something she could never handle. Immediately, she flew out of her seat and towards dong hua. On reaching him, she completely wrapped herself around one of his arms and rested her chin against his tricep muscles. She looked up at him as she spoke in a soft lilting voice, "how can I not need my dijun? I will always need you."

"it doesn't seem like it. You don't even remember who I am to you. Maybe I should just go." Dong hua said in a despondent voice. He made to leave while trying to get her off his arm but she just held on tighter. Wrapping herself even more tightly around his arm, she shook her head fervently and said in a louder resonating voice, "no, you are my husband, my dong hua, my love. And you are not allowed to leave." For extra effect, she even added a little huff at the end.

Donghua was amused at the way she had said that but this was all he had wanted to hear. Content and happy, he placed a finger beneath her chin and propped her head up a little further to look into her eyes while he spoke "you should get used to saying it then."

Bending down, he pressed a soft kiss to her forehead before he turned towards their, now standing, audience. He took in both of them for a moment, not saying anything. Reading the room, feng jiu extricated herself from dong hua and extended her hand to cheng yu. Smiling towards her, she said, "let us leave these two to their boring tea and go. You still have so much to tell me about how the slow prince over here, finally got it right." Giggling at feng jiu's comment, cheng yu took the proffered hand and left the study with her.

Lian song waited for dijun to say something but the old god just went and settled down in the place feng jiu had vacated, moments ago. Taking his cue, he also moved back to his previous seat. He waited while dong hua swept his hand above the table and refreshed the tea and quietly, analyzed the lily cakes. Lian song felt as if a day had passed before he heard him speak.

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