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For the next few days, Remus was happy. He still wouldn't eat, but he was sleeping better and not staying in his room all day.
Sirius was still trying to figure out if he loved Remus but did very well at hiding that. He didn't even say anything to James about his possible crush, scared his friend might judge him, or worse, tell Remus.
James had been stressed about planning the wedding. He didn't know what he wanted whatsoever, other than the fact that Sirius would be the DJ, and Remus would be the photographer.
"James stop stressing over the wedding," Lily said, smiling at her soon-to-be husband.
Of course, James didn't listen. In fact, he just got even more worried.
"what if you have the wedding down by the ocean?" Remus said when they were at some muggle cafe.
"that's a great idea Rey," Lily said, smiling them looking over at James, who nodded.
"Yeah- that's brilliant-" James said, drinking some of his tea.
The 5 of them (Remus, James, Sirius, Peter, and lily) walked around the little shopping area for a while before getting bored. "let's go back to the apartment and do something there" James said, smiling slightly.
The others nodded, then followed James and Sirius, who were leading the way, to their apartment.
Because of Lily and James getting married, Lily was going to be switching places with Sirius in the apartment. There were a few boxes scattered around the living room, and when you walked in, you saw the kitchen right away.
(A/n: heres a mappp):

Sirius fell backwards onto the couch and James sighed, aitting next to him

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Sirius fell backwards onto the couch and James sighed, aitting next to him. Lily sat next to James, then Remus next to Lily, and Peter next to Remus.
"lets play truth of dare!" Sirius said, sitting up, a smirk on his face- not even thinking about the huge secret he was keeping.
"ok-" James said at the same time Lily said "sure" and Remus nodded
"i dunno guys.... ",Peter said, looking down at his arm.
"oh come on pete! Don't be a party pooper! Its not like your hiding something huge from us!"
Peter felt a wave of guilt go over him. He was hiding something. Something huge. He was also planning something.
And that something had to do with the mark on his arm. "o-ok" Peter said, wishing he could forget the plan- wishing he could just leave. "lets do it"
Sirius and James smiled at this, but Remus looked at Peter with a confused look. Remus could see the fear swimming in Peters eyes.
But he decided to ignore it.
Mistake number one.
"ella is here!" Lily said, running to thw door and opening it.
No one knew that Lily and James invited Ella. James thought that Sirius was just SAYING he was gay, even though he really was.
So he decied to invite the person who was madly in love with Sirius Black.
Mistake number two
Soon, they were all sitring in a circle.
Ella was freakishly close to Sirius, who was next to James. James was next to Lily, Lily was next to Peter, Peter was next to Remus, and yeah.
Peter was still staring at his arm, biting his tongue so he wouldn't scream out from the pain he was in.
The mark was burning, and he knew it was almost time
Peter ignored thw pain. He joked around with his friends, and laughing when James ahad to walk around the outside of the apartment in his stag form with ribbons and pine cones all over his antlers.
Sirius was forced to chase after a cat as a dog, and somehow got stuck in a tree when doing so.
Remus got pictures of the best parts with his Polaroid camera, which he carried with him everywhere now, and planned to hang the pictures on his wall.
Everyone was smiling and laughing.
Everyone was having a great time, throwing peanuts and other small foods around, teying to catch them in their mouths.
Everything was going great.
Until it wasn't.

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