13 - Crying On The Living Room Floor

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//before i start id like to thank you guys for over 300 reads. it means so much to me. //

It had been a day since Remus had pretty much saved Sirius' life (even if Sirius hadn't really done anything) and they hadn't talked about it at all. Lily had noticed something between the two boys(because Lily knows all) but hadn't said anything, mainly because she didn't want to force them into doing anything. She already felt really bad for what happened when she forced the two to talk, and she really didn't want to add on to that.

They were at Remus and Sirius' apartment (because Lily missed it sometimes) when an owl had tapped on the glass with their beak, a scroll of paper tied around their leg. "you still get owl post?" James asked Sirius, thinking the letter was for him.

"no, that's for me.... its Marlene's owl..... she doesn't write often...." Lily didn't know what to think. Had something bad happened? She went over to the brown owl that had flecks of a darker brown splattered around like stars in the sky. The owl's eyes were a deep honey color, little dots of white and black splattering around the iris. Lily opened the window as pushed back the screen on it, letting the owl in, and when it went inside, it plopped the scroll of paper down on the coffee table, then flew back out the window before Lily could give it owl treats.

James had opened the scroll, only to find 3 paragraphs of writing, which only took up 1/4 of the paper. "Lily..." he whispered, after reading the letter, his eyes glassy. "I think you should read this..."


Dear Lily,

Hello. This is Marlene McKinnon's mothee, Melissa. I am writijf ro you because there has been a death in the family. Marlene qas murdered by a few death eaters the other day.
She died fighting. I wanted to tell you this in person, but I wasnt able to because of how i had gotten injured. i know this must be hard for you, seeing as i know the two of you were close. She would always talk about you and someone named James. Im sorry you lost your friend, and i hope her death doesnt hit too hard.


Lily couldn't keep reading. The paper fell to the ground, fluttering and spinning till Remus caught it, quickly reading it then gasping.

It was hard to believe the words that were written. Remus felt like he had been stabbed, but he didn't care. Because he knew that Lily felt like she had been killed, and as much as she tried to hide that.... it showed.

She had fallen to the ground, trying to grasp on to something to steady herself. James had gone down next to her, wrapping her in a tight hug. Remus went over and hugged the two, and Sirius went on the other side, hugging both James and Lily, grabbing Remus' hand to keep the hug all in one piece.

They stayed like that for a while, all of them hugging and crying on the living room floor. Lily had cried the most, being the closest to Marlene, and the one who knew her the best. Lily had ended up crying herself to sleep, her red hair like a curtain over her face, her arms wrapped around James' waist.

"I feel bad...." Sirius said, who was now sitting on the couch next to Remus(still holding hands, but James didn't notice) "I mean... she was her best friend..." Sirius felt Remus squeeze his hand, and that made Sirius' mind wounder away from Marlene's death. Remus and Sirius weren't dating, and if they were, Sirius didn't know. The two of them kinda fell asleep watching a show after Remus had saved Sirius' life, so they didn't really talk that much, other than the 'i love you' stuff. Sirius wanted more than anything to date Remus openly, but he knew that Remus wasn't ready for that. He knew that Remus would want to take things slow because of how many times he was screwed over, and Sirius was fine with that. His love for Remus had only grown, and no matter how slow they took their relationship, Sirius would always love Remus.

"shes lucky to have you," Remus said, breaking Sirius away from his thoughts.

"shes lucky to have all of us, really," James said, stroking Lily's hair. "We're all lucky to be alive..."

"Yeah....." Remus said, leaning against the arm of the couch. "I wish this war would just be over already"

"We all do, Remus," James said, closing his eyes for a few seconds. "we all do"

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