The gay connection™

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Remus Lupin ended up running miles away. He had stayed in a muggle hotel for a day, but he didn't have a lot of money so he couldn't stay for any longer.

Sirius Black had cried himself to sleep every night, his dreams haunted by Remus' dead body. His heart was shattered and he felt like everything in the world was dark and depressing. He felt as though dementors were flying around him, sucking the happiness away from him.  Sirius never knew how much joy and light Remus brought him.

Maybe that was why Sirius went back to the things he did years ago.

Maybe that's why Sirius had locked himself in the bathroom. Maybe that's why he did something he promised hed never do.

But some promises were meant to be broken....... right?


Remus Lupin was walking aimlessly around the streets, hoping he'd find his way to the apartment at some point. He hurt, but something in him told him that Sirius was hurting more. Something bad was going to happen to him. Remus just didn't know what......

Remus closed his eyes and stumbled against the wall. Something was wrong. 
"no-" he choked out, getting a few looks from some near bye muggles. "no-" 

It felt as though Remus was dying. Yet something in him gave him strength. Something inside of him gave him power. And he ran. He ran to the apartment even though he didn't know where he was going.

He ran, his heart thumping in his ears. He tripped over the air and caught himself before he could fall. "no, Sirius no......" he felt sick, and tears were threatening to fall, but he held them back. He needed to find Sirius........

That's when he saw the apartment. "Sirius...." He said, running faster than he ever had before, running up the stairs. He stood in front of the door that leads to his and Sirius' apartment. He was breathing heavily, but didn't care. "please be unlocked..." he whispered, reaching to open the door. 

He turned the handle.


"yes" Remus said, throwing open the door and throwing himself into the apartment. "Sirius?" He asked, looking around frantically. "Sirius?" he called again, starting to get worried.

That's when he saw the locked bathroom door. "Sirus!?" he said louder, knocking on the door. He heard a bottle drop. And then a single pill rolled out from under the door. Remus' heart sank. "nonononono" Without a second thought, Remus pounded on the door. "SIRIUS!?" 

Tears were falling from the corners or Remus' eyes and he tried to open the door. "alohomora
" he said, throwing open the door once it was unlocked. 

Sirius was standing in front of the sink, sobbing. His hands were shaking and there were fresh cuts on his arms, and pills from a bottle were scatted all over the sink, and some had fallen to the floor. The second he saw Remus behind him in the mirror, Sirius flung himself at Remus, hugging him tightly. 

"it'll be ok....." Remus whispered, hugging Sirius. "c'mon, let's go to the living room....." Remus helped Sirius to the living room, not leaving his side once. He didn't want to leave him alone again.... he didn't want him to be hurt...

Sirius clung to Remus and sobbed into his chest, saying he was sorry over and over again. 

"its ok Sirius..." Remus had said, looking into Sirius' eyes. "it's ok..."


"Remus I love you," Sirius said after hours of the two talking, (which was mainly Sirius saying sorry). He had looked into Remus' eyes, watching as his green eyes got flecks of brown in them.

"I love you too," Remus said.

and he meant it.

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