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Remus Lupin had his room in ' dark mode ' for a few weeks.
Some things he liked- like the 'curtain' in front of his bed and the fabric on the walls that made them black.
But there were some things he didn't like.
The picture wall wasn't just for decoration. It was also to help him with panic attacks. Sometimes seeing his friends were ok helped him.
With all the photos gone... He didn't have that anymore.

At the moment, Remus was getting ready for breakfast with his family, at which he planned to come out.
He hoped everything would go well, and that his parents would still love him or whatever.

"ill see you at noon Rem!"  Lily said, smiling brightly as Remus left the apartment.
"Yeah-" Remus said, slightly smiling, though he acted calm and collected, he was scared, to put it gently.
He was scared that his family would disown him or say rude things about his sexuality. 
He didn't even know how he was doing to bring up the fact. He couldn't even well say 'I'm pan' out of nowhere.
Cursing himself in his mind, Remus stuck out his wand, and the purple knight bus same speeding into view, ready to take Remus to his doom.

Remus sat down at the table, looking at his mom and dad's happy faces. They wore huge smiles, happy to see their son.
A wave of stress went over Remus. What if he was a disappointment? What if his parents wouldn't love him anymore? What if they didn't know what being pansexual was?
What if everything went downhill?
Remus sighed and looked at his mom, then his dad
"I have something to tell you guys..." he said slowly, moving around his food with a fork.
"what is it?" Hope asked, looking at her son with slight confusion.
Lyall just stared at Remus, waiting for him to spit out what he was doing say.
Then, with all the hope when had left, Remus said "I'm pansexual "


Sirius Black was known as a blood traitor.
He wasn't like his death eater family, he was friends with people that weren't pureblood, he wasn't Slytherin, and he was gay.
Sirius tried to figure out how he ended up sitting across from Lily again a cafe, talking about Remus. But he couldn't.
He knew he loved Remus. I mean, who wouldn't? Remus was the most caring person Sirius had ever met.
He didn't understand how someone couldn't love Remus Lupin.
Which is why he was shocked when he got a text from Remus.
"Remus came out to his parents and it didn't for well," Sirius said, standing up and setting some money on the table.
"What?" Lily asked, looking confused.
"We need to get to the Lupin house. Now."

Lyall Lupin screamed.
He screamed hurtful things, terrible, hurtful things.
"so you're a slut. You like to mess around with everyone huh? You just wanna stick your dick in everyone you fag-slut." Lyall had said, glaring at his son Called son.
„Why would you do that to this family?" Hope asked, acting like she didn't hear Lyall's screams. "why would you ruin the family name like that?"

Remus could feel the panic rising in him. He didn't know what to do. His worst fears had come true. His parents hated him. Remus quickly sent someone- the first person on his contact list- a text.
He simply said: I came out and it didn't do well.

"you ruined the family!" Lyall yelled, pushing back his chair and towering over Remus. "how dare you do this to me!"

Remus knew what would happen.
He sent one message before his phone was knocked out of his hands and Lyall threw him against the wall.


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