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Lily and Sirius were switching places.
Remus hadn't really talked Sirius since the texts between them at 12 in the morning, but then again, it had only been a handful of hours since the message was sent.
Sirius was freaking out, that's just toput it lightly. He was freaking out, but way more than one should.
"He hates me! He fucking hates me, he's never going to talk to me again-" Sirius was pacing, muttering curse words under his breath.
How could he be so stupid?
Remus would never like him. Never.
It was a zero percent chance.
Remus was amazing, kind, caring, helpful, smart..... He was perfect.
And Sirius... Was just Sirius. The blood traitor. The ugly one. No one would ever love him the way he loved Remus.

Other than Remus himself.
But Sirius didn't know that.


Remus was scared.
He knew he couldn't ignore Sirius forever, and he was going to be moving in, so he really couldn't avoid him.
"what am I going to do?" he asked, staring at the wall, looking at the pictures of his friends, looking at the ones with Sirius longer than the others.
"what do you mean what are you going to do?" Lily asked, tilting her head to the side. She was standing at the doorway of Remus' room, holding a few bags.
"nothing-" Remus said little too quickly.
"is this about Sirius saying he likes you?"
"Sirius told me. Remus, just act like it didn't happen. That's what I told Sirius. Maybe when James and I go you guys can talk or something."
Remus nodded, though he didn't know if he could even stand to see Sirius. He was perfect in every way when Remus... Was Remus. "ok....."
"hey, it's going to be ok. One person's feelings cant ruin a friendship. Plus you and Sirius are half of the marauders. Marauders are forever."
Remus nodded, messing with one of the Band-Aids on his fingers from the glass cutting him when he came out. The thing was, it was more than one person's feelings.

Remus loved Sirius too.


The marauders (+Lily) were watching a movie in the living room or what was Remus and Lily's apartment but was now Remus and Sirius' apartment.
Remus and Sirius were sitting on the couch, and Lily was sitting on the floor in front of Remus, James on the floor in front of Sirius.
Remus was only half paying attention. He was doing something on his phone, only looking up every few minutes to see what was happening in the movie.
"whatcha doing Rey?" James asked, looking over at Remus.
"editing something " Remus said, showing James what had had done so far.

"editing something " Remus said, showing James what had had done so far

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"that cool Rey!" Lily said. "what did it look like before?"
"uhhh hold on-" Remus got out of the app he was using and went to his gallery to find the original picture, then showed the other 3.

"you made something cool ever cooler," Sirius said, smiling slightly

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"you made something cool ever cooler," Sirius said, smiling slightly.
"you really did, you should be proud!" James said, turning around to face the movie again.
"its really not that cool but whatever you say...."
After that, there wasn't much more talking. Remus kept working on the edit,  and the others just watched the movies.
It was still a little weird between Sirius and Remus, but they were acting normal enough that James, the only one that didn't know about the text Sirius sent, didn't think anything was off, so they were doing well.

The marauders + lily chat

Remus(12:00pm): finished

Prongs (12:01pm): that cools cooler than beforeSirius(12:02pm): it looks great ReyLily(12:03pm): Remus, Sirius, you guys need to talk

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Prongs (12:01pm): that cools cooler than before
Sirius(12:02pm): it looks great Rey
Lily(12:03pm): Remus, Sirius, you guys need to talk.
Sirius: what?
Remus: Lily no—

"LILY WHAT ARE YOU DOING-" Sirius yelled as Lily pushed him into the closest room, which was Remus'.
"I'm making you guys talk!" Lily said, grabbing Remus by the wrist and gently shoving him into the room with Sirius. "now, TALK!" She slammed the door closed, then went back to the living room with James to explain what just happened.

"Remus, before you go off on me, hear me out...  Please...." Sirius said, sitting down on the beanbag chair, which has been moved next to Remus' bed. "you have always been there for me. You never abandoned me, you were always there when I needed to talk, you don't make fun of me, you helped me with work I didn't understand... You were always there. Even when you were in pain. You were always there. James, he was there but never the same way you were. You were different. You-"

Remus cut Sirius off with a kiss.

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