24-Crimson Desires

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She was a snake.

A literal snake; she was messing with me and messing with her life. I will kill her with my bare hands.

She already knows that she is haunted yet, she goes with Olga to a wicked club. Sometimes, I regret letting Olga live with me- she was like a sister to me, but sometimes she gets on my nerves.

A lot.

I still remember our days when I was young and she took care of me and gave me her food while we were both working at a cafe. she was working on her college studies at that time before we parted ways and after years we met up again to find that she was a very skillful hacker and teamed up with me to help me find any information related to the outfit.

I remember when I told her why she did not want to work with her degree in a respective place, she said that she wanted something dangerous- she loved danger. She was dangerous, her mind was dangerous.

That was the main reason I teamed up with Inna. They were both fucking dangerous and they want to see the demon in me.

"Still hasn't come home?" Mikhail grumbled, entering the kitchen where I had been patient waiting for the past two hours the guys were out drinking while Jake was on an assist mission for his family in Italy.

The empty beer bottle in Mikhail's hand hinted at my indulgence, finding solace in alcohol, a stark contrast to my composed demeanor. "You need to lay off to drinking, Mikhail."

"No, but you need to get laid soon or just fuck Inna." Mikhail retorted stubbornly, showing no intention of heeding my advice. "You know, it should be you doing the drinking. It's your birthday, after all."

A low grumble escaped my lips, a sound that Mikhail interpreted as confirmation. Chuckling, Mikhail inquired further, "You sure she's not out on some job we don't know about?"

other than making me mad?

"No" my response was sharp, filled with confidence and underlying anger, my words punctuated by the rapid thumping of my heart in my chest. Olga had not answered her phone, and the worry weighed heavily on me. She had left me a message, wishing me a happy birthday, but the punch to my face had tightened a few loose screws in my mind. I knew exactly where she would be on birthdays and holidays, but why involve Inna in all of this?

Knowing the location of the club and understanding that it was one of the less reputable clubs in town, my discomfort grew. I despised the idea of Inna being outside my realm of control, particularly in public places. The thought of anything happening to her sent a surge of protectiveness through my veins.

Unable to wait any longer, I pressed my foot on the accelerator, surpassing the speed limit. Within fifteen minutes, I arrived at the club, hastily handing my car keys to the valet before rushing inside.

The venue was teeming with teenagers, their hormones running rampant. My eyes scanned the crowded dance floor, searching for the familiar light-red body I knew all too well. And there she was. my little vixen.

In an instant, any anger I had harbored dissipated as I laid eyes on Inna. Her carefree laughter filled the air as she threw her head back, fully engrossed in conversation with a blonde boy.

Inna could revel in my atmosphere all night long, her feet effortlessly moving to the infectious beat as if they were an extension of the music itself. Her hips swayed in perfect synchrony with her dress, every sequin capturing the twirling disco ball's illuminating light, casting a mesmerizing display of rainbow hues into darkness.

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