chapter 1 Mysterious transmission

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Y/n pov

Y/n: "hey ghost any word from the vanguard?"

Ghost: "no guardian I still cannot contact the vanguard but I'm picking up a broadcast from deeper within this structure I advise you proceed with caution"

(Italics are thoughts)
Y/n: A transmission this deep within the pyramidion but how, well only one way to find out

I jump deeper into the pyramidion and am met with a odd sight multiple vex goblins kneeling in front of a statue and immediately remember the black garden and waste no time shooting them with my Thorn or at least attempt to shoot them

I jump deeper into the pyramidion and am met with a odd sight multiple vex goblins kneeling in front of a statue and immediately remember the black garden and waste no time shooting them with my Thorn or at least attempt to shoot them

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I fire at the one closest to me but to my surprise my weapon did nothing I pulled the trigger and nothing I reloded my gun nothing then the vex notice me and a shadowy figure approaches me

???: "look what came crawling to our doorstep a guardian *notices my Thorn* oh are you having weapon problems sorry about that."

Y/n: Who is this guy and why won't my Thorn work "hey who the hell are you?!"

???: "oh my apologies I'm an agent of the nine"

Y/n: "agent of the nine you meen like xür?"

Agent of the nine: "you could say that but my question is why are you here"

Y/n: "I'm here investigating a strange transmission" although I'm here for one more reason

Agent of the nine: "oh that must of been me *realizes something* oh I forgot I've got a meeting oh well goodbye * disappears*

All the vex wake up and look directly at me with there weapons up

Y/n: oh crapbaskets

I pull the Thorns trigger and it fires so I shoot the biggest one and man is it big a 30ft tall minotaur with a large weapon first so I take aim at the minotaur and realize his weapon is different he shoots me it feels like I'm being pulled in all directions I then lose consciousness

About 3 hours later

Ghost: "eyes up guardian we've got company"

I wake up in a forest and notice my Thorn is missing and start panicking

Ghost: "guardian your weapon is in the tree above you"

Y/n: *looks up* "thanks ghost" *I retrieve my Thorn* "hey ghost were am I"

Ghost: "our location is not in any databases the vanguard has access to"

Y/n: "ok well, holy Hell what is that?!!" I see a black bear like creature it notices me and charges until I fire twice in its head with my Thorn "ok what was that!?"

Ghost: "I don't know guardian but I detect multiple life signatures about 25 feet from our current location"

Y/n: "can you tell if they are friendly or not" I then begin walking in the direction my ghost detected life signatures from

Ruby pov 2 hours earlier

Prof. Ozpin:"team RWBY there has been a strange anomaly in the emerald forest and I'd like for you to investigate it"

1 hour later on the way to the forest

Yang: "hey Ruby what do you think Ozpin sent us here to find?"

Ruby: "I don't know Yang it could be anything so stay on your guard team"

We proceeded to venture into the forest we didn't find anything for a whole hour but then we heard a ursa roar followed by two gunshots and about 5 minutes later someone in armor walks out of the treeline into the clearing we were in

Y/n pov present

I walk into a clearing and my tracker picks up 4 life signatures I then see 4 girls they then aim there weapons at me to which I put my hands up

Y/n: "woah I'm friendly dont shoot or do I really don't care" one wearing red who appears to be around 15 approaches me

???: "who are you?"

Y/n: "I'm a guardian" they look confused the one with blonde hair speaks

???2: "what's a guardian?" She says while tilting her head to the left

Y/n: "I'll explain later only thing I can say right now is that I'm not from here also who are you?"

???:"hi I'm ruby




Ruby:"together we're team RWBY!!" She says enthusiastically"

Y/n:"ok team RWBY can you tell me why you are here"

Ruby:"well we are here to get you"

Y/n:"me but why?"

Ruby:"Professor Ozpin said to investigate this forest for something and I believe that something was you"

Y/n:"ok take me to this Ozpin" they then lead me out of the forest and to a place they called beacon
Author: so how was the start to my first book the next chapter will be a info chapter on Y/n and his weapons and armor with that I'm out peace

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