chapter 4 an old weapon returns and a surprise reunion

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3rd person pov

Y/n: *sleeping*

Runy: *blows a whistle* Wake up *blows it again* WAKE UP!

Ghost: here alow me

Y/n pov

I begin to open my eyes when ghost shot me with a beam which caused me to shoot up out of my bed

Y/n: ALRIGHT I'm up christ!

Ghost: good *ghost disappears*

Y/n: ok girls what do you want

Ruby: it's time for class!

Y/n: (sarcastically) yay

Weiss: please put some clothes on

I look down to realize I'm in nothing but my underwear

Yang: *purrs* I see what your packing hot stuff

Y/n: Yang calm down you couldn't handle me

Blake: I dont think you should be talking like that with Ruby around

Y/n: I dont think you should be reading that book with ruby around *points to a badly hidden ninjas of love*

Blake blushes and tries to hide the book as you transmat your uniform on to yourself

Y/n: goodbye ladies

As you walk to professor Ports class you think about some of the weapons you lost during the attack on the tower but your mind focused on one weapon in particular the Gjallarhorn

Y/n: hey Ghost you think we could make another Gjallarhorn

Ghost: I dont know guardian but it doesn't hurt to try

As you enter Port's class you ask him where you can find a weapon forge he tells you the location but it's on the other side of beacon so you decide to just sprint there you make it there in about 50 seconds due to your enhance speed

Y/n: alright time to make another Gjallarhorn *pulls out Gjallarhorn building kit* alright let's get started *cracks knuckles*

Timeskip 2 and a half hours later

Y/n: *wipes sweat* wow alright she's done *lifts new Gjallarhorn* now let's test this bad boy out

You walk outside as your armor transmats onto you, you walk to beacon cliff and fire Into it needless to say you heard a lot of death from the ensuing explosion

Y/n: fuck yea! Alright time for Goodwitch's class

You walk into Glynda's class and Ruby immediately notices the new weapon and freaks out


Y/n: yes it's new and no you cant hold it sorry Rosebud

She blushes at the nickname as I pat her head

Y/n: Miss Goodwitch may I please fight Cardin Winchester

Glynda: you may Cardin you have a challenger

Carden: oh look the walking corpse wants to fight me

Y/n: I've already heard that one Cardin

Y/n: I'm gonna teach you a lesson about messing with a guardian *holsters all his weapons*

Cardin: this will be easy

3rd person pov

With that the match starts Cardin runs at Y/n intending on going for a heavy overhead swing Y/n dodges and activates his Arkstaff
Cardin continues swinging his sword wildly but Y/n kept dodging until Y/n saw an opening and smacked Cardin with the staff taking a large chunk of his aura Y/n deactivates his Arkstaff and equips his new "toy" the Gjallarhorn he fires it at Cardin who's eyes widen as the rocket hits the ground throwing Cardin on the ground as the small tracer bombs destroy the rest of his aura

1st person pov

I look at everyone and see a large amount of surprised faces some not even caring


Glynda: please calm down Mr. L/n

Y/n: sorry professor

Glynda: well it appears Y/n L/n wins

I take a bow then take a seat beside Ruby whose eyes are wide


Y/n: its actually a replica of a weapon I lost a long time ago

Ruby: oh but that doesn't make it any less cool

Y/n: no it doesn't Rosebud

I then get a text from Ozpin telling me to come to his office after class

I wait until class is over once it is over I go to Ozpin's office and to my surprise the elevator's music box is back but its playing a familiar song
(The song its playing)

Wait how is this elevator playing this song

The elevator door opens to reveal a familiar face a face that spikes rage in me whenever I see it that face is the face of

Y/n: (very pissed) Uldren!

Bum Bum BUM! Uldren's back how will Y/n react find out next time on dragon bal- wait no The lost Hunter but this is TheDoomSlayer signing off

*Old Version* Lost hunter (RWBY x Destiny) Where stories live. Discover now