chapter 3 initiation

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Timeskip beacon cliff
3rd person pov

Ozpin: I'm going to keep this simple you are to make your way through the forest retrieve a relic and return

Y/n: sounds simple enough let's go wait how will I get into the fore-

Y/n is cut off by him getting launched into the emerald forest as Ozpin laughs


Ghost: Guardian, language


Y/n then realized he is about 40 feet from the ground but luckily he hits a tree, and gets impaled by it

(Meanwhile in the beacon cafeteria)

Everyone is watching Y/n's initiation and sees him get impaled, Ruby and Blake are utterly shocked Yang nearly pukes, and Weiss screams along with half the cafeteria

(Back with Ozpin)

Glynda: I guess I get that lien and vacation after all

Ozpin: no no, just watch

Ozpin and Glynda watch as Y/n is revived by his Ghost and everyone in the cafeteria are blown away as they see Y/n just drop to the ground and dust himself off

Y/n person pov

Y/n: welp now everyone knows our secret oh well I shall continue anywa-

I'm interrupted by a Beowulf swipes its claws at me I pull out my last man standing and fire point blank into its head obliterating it


After brutally killing a Beowulf I run through the forest and am met by a scorpion a really really big scorpion

Y/n: hey ghost the hell is that *points at the big ass scorpion*

Ghost: that Guardian is a deathstalker you may want to use you thorn for this one its armor is fairly strong

Y/n: I have a better idea *activates Ark staff* let's dance

I run at the deathstalker, as it is trying to use its pincers to presumably cut me in two a dodge out of the way and strike its side causing ark light to surge through it i then jump up and stab my ark staff directly into its head killing it as my super runs out

Y/n: Yet another glory kill alright Ghost ping the relics for me *a objective marker appears on my HUD and I run towards it* thanks Ghost

After at least 5 minutes of uninterrupted runing a make it to the relics that but I'm pretty sure there are supposed to be something on the pedestals but I dont see anything

With Ozpin and Glynda

Glynda: Ozpin did you forgot to place the relics

Ozpin: no Glynda I didn't I just hid them

Glynda: you hid them. ARE YOU INSANE HE COULD DIE OUT THER- oh wait he cant die never mind

Back with you
Y/n: Ok time to put those hunter skills to the test *I then proceed to take out a sledgehammer that I totally didn't steal from Zavala and break every pedestal until I find a-

Y/n: is that a dead ghost *i pick up the shell and inspect it* but how is there a dead Ghost here Ghost revive this one

Ghost: ok reviving *he revives the Ghost

Ghost2: What were am I were is my Guardian *sees you and your ghost* Oh I believe you revived me *I nod* ok well I'm pulled pork my Guardian was Uldren sov and w-

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