chapter 8 Best Day Ever

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Y/n: pov

I am currently sitting at a lunch table having a mental argument with Cayde

Cayde: 'she's hot isn't she's

Y/n:'Cayde for christ's sake SHE'S MY SISTER'

Yang: *getting in my face* whatcha doing

Y/n: having an argument with Cayde

Yang: Ok?

She moves over to Blake as I continue my argument

Cayde: 'she's still pretty hot'

Y/n: 'for travelers sake I'm not gonna bang my sister'

Cayde: 'I know you want to'

Y/n: 'your really pissing me off'

Cayde: 'ok calm down chosen one'

Y/n: 'this argument has been terminated'

I see Ruby walking up with a big binder labeled "best day ever activites"

Y/n: whatcha got there Rosebud

Ruby: you'll see

She clears her throat

Ruby: sisters, friends, Boyfriend, Weiss.

Weiss: Hey!

Ruby: four score and seven minutes ago I had a dream that we can come together as a team and have the most fun anyone's had Ever! I say we kick the semester off with a bang

Yang: I alwa-

Ruby: dont finish that sentence.

Ruby: look guys it's been a good two weeks and with more exchange students arriving and the tournament at the end of the year our second semester is going to be great which is why I've taken th-

Y/n: dont speak that word

Ruby: ok? The time to schedule a series of wonderful events for use today

Weiss: I dont know whether to be proud or scared

Y/n: *reading through the binder* hmmmm interesting, a little of both I should say

He then goes to talk to Cayde which was a mistake

Cayde: 'Scorch is pretty hot isn't she's

Y/n: 'Cayde if you say that one more time I'll make you re-live your death

Cayde: 'shuting up!'

Ruby: give that back!

She yells as she snatches it away

Yang: so what do you have planned

Y/n: eh stuff you probably wouldn't enjoy

Brick and Scorch walk up to us

Scorch: sup bro

Y/n: sup

Brick: what we doing today leader

Y/n: that's up to Ruby

Scorch: alright let's see what you've got pla-

She's interrupted by a pie hitting her in the face Brick summons a ward of dawn and Y/n Pulls Ruby into it shielding her from his sister's infamous "explosive temper"

Ruby: what are you doing

Y/n: shielding you from her

He points to his sister who's face was that of pure anger and the thrower Nora had a look of terror as the warlock drop kicked her through a wall. The ward of dawn falls and Brick grabs Scorch so she doesn't burn down the school as she was about to activate her super

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