chapter 12 getting ready for war

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Time: 6:45
Location: Remnants Moon
Pov: 3rd

???: Something stirs below the surface of this Moon, something evil, something deadly, something familiar but foreign

The camera pans up to show who's talking and reveals Yör, will of Savathûn

Yör: I am that something, and soon remnant will belong to me

Back on remnant
Pov: Y/n

Y/n: Hey Ghost

Ghost: yes?

Y/n: what's on the agenda for today

Ghost: well we're basically done with our classes seeing as I already know everything so I guess nothing until 8

Y/n: still gotta teach the students about the darkness

I walk into the cafeteria to get breakfast but as I walk in I realize its empty

Y/n: what?

I cautiously draw the Ace

Y/n: Hello!?

I hear nothing in return but an echo

Y/n: Ghost, armor now!

My armor appears on my body instantly

Y/n: If anyone is there make yourself known

Nothing but an echo

Y/n: Ghost call Scorch and Brick

Ghost: on it

They pick up immediately

Scorch: Y/n, thank god are you ok

Y/n: Yes, Why, what happened

Scorch: the big guys back, Shit!

I hear a loud bang then static

Y/n: Scorch? Ghost trace her location

Ghost: on it

Ghost traces there location but when we arrive we see something we never wanted to

Y/n: No no no no no no no!

I see everyone lying at Yör's feet, dead everyone but Ruby, who he has in his hand


Yör: oh good your here now you can watch her die


My screams echo as Yör tears Ruby in half and everything goes black

Pov: Ruby

Y/n shoots awake with tears in his eyes


Ruby: Y/n what's wrong

He looks at me and smiles

Y/n: Your ok

He hugs me while still crying

Ruby: Y/n what happened

Y/n: it was just a nightmare

Ruby: you dont wake up screaming and crying from "just a nightmare"

Y/n: ok it was a big nightmare, everyone died I mean everyone

Ruby: well I'm not dead so it was just a nightmare

I kiss Y/n on the cheek

Ruby: see

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