chapter 6 old friends reunited

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In remnants atmosphere
3rd person

Drifter: alright alright alright looks like we found him

???: you've said that ten times already

???: calm down scorch we dont need another one of your explosive outbursts

Scorch: shut up Brick you're no better

Drifter: People please stop arguing I know I've found him because the camera I implanted into that vex goblin

Brick: sweet when can we get down there

Drifter: soon titan soon we just have to wait

On remnant
1st person

As I wake up I feel a weight on my chest I look down to see Ruby sleeping peacefully using my chest as a pillow I shake her gently to wake her up

Y/n: Ruby get up

Ruby: no I dont want to

Y/n: I'll buy you some cookies

Ruby then springs up at the mention of cookies and she stares directly into my eyes

Ruby: you better not be lying because if you are your in for a world of hurt

Y/n: I would never lie to you beautiful

She blushes and smiles

Ruby: good now let's get dres-

She is cut of by my ghost who appears rather frantic

Ghost: Y/n there is a unknown ship in remnants atmosphere

Y/n: that's not good did you get a good look at it

Ghost: I'm sorry guardian but no I was just told by Ozpin

Y/n: great a mystery ship is orbiting remnant and Blake is still missing

Ruby: oh yea we should probably try to find her *knock*

We then hear a knock at the door as it opens reveling Yang

Yang: get up love birds Ozpin needs us and Blake's back me and Weiss found her earlier

Ruby: ok but why does Ozpin need us... oh wait the ship ok let's get ready Y/n. Y/n?

I was already in my combat gear loading up my weapons

Y/n: well hurry up slow poke we ain't got all day

A few minutes later we are in Ozpins office discussing the ship when he shows me a picture of it

Y/n: wait *I squint at the picture* That's the Derelict!

Ozpin: the Derelict?

Y/n: the ship of one of my allies from the tower holy crap he found me I knew siding with him was the best idea! *looks at Ozpin* I'm giving him permission to land or well transmat

I call the drifter with the help of my ghost

Y/n: Y/n to Drifter do you copy

Drifter: Alright I knew you were down there

???: ha you owe me 10000 glimmer

???: uhhh

Y/n: who's that

Drifter: some old Friends

Y/n: ok well you have permission to transmat

Drifter: alright just give me the coordinates

*Old Version* Lost hunter (RWBY x Destiny) Where stories live. Discover now