chapter 10 First lessons and a new foe

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Y/n pov

I'm currently setting up the room for my lesson, I have even captured some thrall, was it worth the effort probably not.

Y/n: *sigh* ok here we go

The bell rings and the first team to walk in is RWBY Ruby immediately runs up to me

Ruby: Y/n your the new teacher?! BUT HOW YOUR STILL A STUDENT?!?!

Y/n: calm down Ruby while yes I am still a student at Beacon I'm teaching this class because I have the most knowledge of the darkness here... not counting Drifter, but he's not the teaching type but anyways please take your seats.. oh almost forgot something

I walk up to Ruby and kiss her cheek

Y/n: I love you

Ruby: Love you too

I return to the front as the rest of the students arrive

Y/n: ok everyone I'm guessing you all know me, but for those who don't I am Y/n L/n and I'll be teaching you the fundamentals of my world and its enemies seeing as they are becoming ever present on remnant you all need to know how to kill these bastards so let's start with the hive and I've got a couple of live specimen

I walk over to a cage containing 5 thrall and open it, they run out and I dodge backwards

Y/n: these are Thralls the weakest of the hive but never let the swarm you just aim for the head

I draw the Last Word and hit all 5 in the head

Y/n: see easy, would anyone want to fight some of these

I see Yang basically explode out of her seat

Y/n: ok Yang

She smiles and walks away to get ready

Small timeskip

Yang returns in her combat gear and ember celica

Y/n: ready, *I aim at the lock on the cage* go *I shoot off the lock*

5 thrall immediately rush Yang who rolls to the left while punching one in the leg breaking it the thrall falls but not before clawing Yang

Y/n: Be careful you want to use range they will always beat you at CQB in hordes

She takes my advice and decides to just shoot/punch them but one is still standing Yang charges it but somethings off about its head... it glowing

Y/n: shit YANG STOP!

She stops just in time for me to block the explosion but she still gets hit I then see a set of hive runes inside the cage

She stops just in time for me to block the explosion but she still gets hit I then see a set of hive runes inside the cage

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I then hear the sound of a hive tomb ship appearing

Y/n: ghost alert Ozpin, tell him we have a code 3

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