chapter 5 An old enemy and a new love

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Y/n pov


I scream as I draw my thorn and point it at his head

Y/n: you have five fucking seconds to tell me how you are alive

Uldren: *visibly terrified*

Y/n: Speak! Or I will kill you again

Pulled pork then appears over Uldren's shoulder

Y/n: pork? What are you doing here dont tell me. Your a Guardian now this is fucking fantastic

Ozpin: It appears you two know each other

Y/n: that bastard killed my bestfriend in cold blood

Uldren: I'm just going to leave

Y/n: your not going anywhe-

Before you finish your sentence he transmats away as you see a ship fly into the distance

Y/n: *sigh* why did you want me

Ozpin: this *he activates the vanguard communicator and I can hear a very garbled but understandable Zavala

Zavala (staticky): This is commander Zavala to all active Guardians on the search for Y/n a fireteam has found his ship crashed on the surface of Io just outside the Echo Mesa we believe that is his last location

Y/n: Damnit my ship is ruined wait how did you reach him

Ozpin: we hooked it up to our CCT and we picked this up

Y/n: interesting well give it here

I grasp the communicator and speak

Y/n: to all active guardians this is Y/n I am currently stranded on a planet known as Remnant

Zavala: Guardian your alive we will send a fireteam your way

Y/n: I dont think that's possible this planet seems to be in another galaxy it may take months even with hyperdrive

Zavala: ok but tell us if you need support

Y/n: will do Y/n out

I deactivate the communicator and turn to Ozpin

Y/n: so I have a question why was Uldren her-

I'm cut off by my scroll ringing a look at it and Ruby is calling

Ruby: Y/n we need you in our dorm now

Y/n: yes ma'am on my way

I arrive at the dorm room to hear arguing I knock and then open the door

Y/n: my presence has been requested

Ruby: finally ok can you solve this *she points to Blake and Weiss arguing*

Y/n: I can try *clears throat* ladies please *fires the ace of spades* calm down and explain what happened

They explain that while I was talking with Ozpin Blake and Weiss got into an argument about the white fang

Y/n: ok first off what's a white fang

Blake: a faunus milita basically

Y/n: alright I cant solve this I'm sorry I have no clue how to help

Weiss: my family have been at war with the white fang as in actual bloodshed

Y/n: *laughing* I dont know why you think a little war with a milita would an entire race is at fault because it's not I'm at war with a group of aliens and most of them want my head on a pike but there is one group that helps us but here's the thing we guardians go through so much more than you just said we die on a daily basis and it doesn't get better no you feel it every time the life leave your body but we do it to keep people like you safe

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