chapter 7 a vex invasion (Vol 1 ending)

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Y/n: holy hell that's the undying mind what is it doing here we destroyed it! No they couldn't have DRIFTER WE NEED TO CONTACT THE VANGUARD NOW OR REMNANT IS HISTORY!

Drifter: on it hotshot

He then warps to the Haul to contact the Vanguard

Y/n: alright fireteam shatter let's do what we do best *I put on my helmet* kick Vex ass

(In case anyone was wondering its called fireteam shatter because they were first formed to destroy Atheon in the vault of glass hence the name shatter)

I charge forward at the Undying Mind but am grabbed by a minotaur and slammed into the ground breaking my shield Brick then shield bashes the minotaur killing it he then makes a tower barrier

Brick: your duty is not done brother

Y/n: I hear you thanks for the save

Brick: no problem

Scorch: incoming!

She activates her well of radiance I stand up and pull out the Gjallarhorn

Brick: what how

Y/n: I'll explain after right now *shoots a group of vex* we need to focus on fighting

As I say this I dodge a vex grenade I then throw a arkbolt grenade killing an entire group of goblins I then run behind a shipping container

Y/n: Brick ward now

Brick: on it

He then runs out from behind cover and activates a ward of dawn

Brick: ward up get inside

Me and Scorch then run inside the purple bubble as I reload all my weapons I realize The Undying Mind isn't here

Y/n: Hey we may have a problem

Scorch: what?

Y/n: I dont see the Mind

Scorch: oh no

Y/n: oh no indeed sister alright you stay with Brick and kill these Vex I'll go after the Mind

Scorch: what! No you cant kill that thing by yourself

Y/n: it's the only option but hey if I don't make it back give Ruby this *I throw her a replica of my cloak* tell her to never give up being a huntress just because I'm gone but to never forget me

I then run out of the ward of dawn towards the sounds of the Vex Mind I turn down a street corner and am met by 5 minotaur and The Undying Mind

Y/n: I guess this is it, it was fun while it lasted but my time has come Hey you big asshole!

The Mind turns around and is met by my Arkstaff by it's got a silver hue as I move from minotaur to minotaur I can feel my light draining I kill the last minotaur then I run up to the Mind and stab the Arkstaff directly into its optic I leave the staff in its optic as I kick of it then I pull out the Ace of spades and shoot the Mind until it falls and explodes I walk up and grab the Arkstaff

Y/n: finally its over

I say as I fall to my knees the Arkstaff disappears I take my helmet off to catch my breath but the moment my helmet comes of I'm met with a boot to the face I roll away and look at the bastard who kicked me and its none other than Uldren

Uldren: oh look the god slayer is all tired out it's a shame really I wanted a good fight but your not going to be any harder to kill than Cayde

Y/n: You Dare SPEAK HIS NAME!!!

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