chapter 2 Beacon Academy

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Y/n:"hey ghost you got any new info on this planet" my ghost appears over my shoulder and Yang thought that was a good time to look at me and she saw my ghost

Yang:"hey what's that" she pointed at my ghost and the rest of the team turned around and saw it too

Y/n:"this is a ghost creations of the traveler I'll explain more later right now I want to meet this Ozpin"

Ruby:"dont worry we are almost there"she seems overly excited

Blake:"you said your not from here then where are you from?"

Y/n:"like I said I'll explain everything when I meet this Ozpin guy"

I wonder if the vex sent me here on purpose or accident either way I need to get back I've still got a friend to save

Y/n:"hey have you seen weird robot like creatures anywhere?"

Weiss:"unless you meen atlas robots then no"

Y/n:"thank the traveler"

Timeskip 1 hour

I had just arrived in beacon and to be honest not what I expected it worse than the tower at its current state and that things in pieces but still apparently this Ozpin guys office it at the top of a tower and the only way up is a elevator so yay cramped spaces

*annoying elevator music*

Y/n:"hey why dont you shut up elevator *shoots music box* thank you"

The elevator door opens and I'm met with a odd looking office man this guy really likes gears

Ozpin: hello Mr-

Y/n: You can just call me Y/n

Ozpin: ok Mr. Y/n can you explain to me how you just appeared inside the emerald forest

Y/n: to be honest I'm just as confused as you are Ozpin

Ozpin: well tell me what are you really because I don't think your just some ordinary person are you

Shit he's on to me uhhh got to think of something quick

Y/n: ok I'm going to be completely honest with you I'm what's called a Guardian we are wielders of the light and protects of the last city I am also immortal

Ozpin seemed shocked when I said I was immortal I continued my explanation of my abilities

Y/n: we guardians are split into 3 different classes hunters, titans, and warlocks I am a hunter more importantly I'm the strongest of us I've killed gods in the name of the traveler

He seemed both shocked and worried about the god slayer part

Y/n: but if you are wondering I am not alone *summons ghost* this is my ghost if it I'll let him explain the rest

Ghost: I am a ghost born from the Traveler as a last hope more importantly I'm Y/n's ghost we appeared here after being attacked by a enemy we call the vex it seems they've created a weapon that distorts space and time and they used it on us

Y/n: so if you see anything that looks like this *shows pictures of a goblin, hobgoblin, minotaur, harpy, and hydra* alert us immediately

Ozpin: ok that was alot to take in but I have a proposition stay at my school and I will give you everything you need to combat these Vex but you will need to act as a normal student you will still need to go through classes but first you need to do your initiation

Y/n: initiation?

Ozpin: you will go through the emerald forest and collect a relic then report back to the cliff

Y/n: sounds easy enough when do I do it

Ozpin: tomorrow at 6:50 AM

Y/n: alright oh here take this *throws him a vanguard communication unit* you'll need it to contact me

Ozpin: wait here take this its your dorm room

Y/n: ok Oz I'll be seeing you * enters elevator* Arrivederci

Timeskip to dorm

*knock knock*

???: coming!

The door opens reveling a familiar cute face

Ruby: oh hey Y/n what brings you here

Y/n: apparently this is my dorm room

Weiss: What seriously you didn't even do an initiation!

Y/n: hey calm down ice queen I'm doing it tomorrow!

Y/n: anyways where am I sleeping

Yang: you ca-

Y/n: Yang I'm not sleeping with you

Yang: awww man

Y/n: sorry you just wouldn't be able to handle me *takes of armor*

R__Y: *incoherent mumbles*

Y/n: uh ladies are you ok, wow I'm not even a titan and your drooling

Ruby: I'm not drooling

Y/n: yeah but your still staring anyways I'm gonna take a shower

Yang: *devious smile*

Blake: no Yang

Yang: aw man


Alright that's that done now to sharpen the howl

Ruby: *staring at the Thorn*

Y/n: Ruby dont touch that gun its extremely dangerous!

She picked it up and her eyes went green she smiled while pointing it at me she pulled the trigger and the round hit me square in the stomach I got up and tackled Ruby ripping the Thorn out of her hand her eyes return to normal and WBY stares at me while Ruby falls unconscious

Y/n: *straining* damnit Ruby when I tell you not to do something you dont do it ghost I need a heal

Ghost: got it, healing

Y/n: much better *sees WBY stareing at
me* what

Yang: *pins me against the wall* WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST DO TO MY SISTER!

I punch her in the stomach to get her off me

Y/n: I didn't do anything she picked up my Thor- BLAKE DONT

Blake was about to pick up the Thorn but I stopped her in time

Y/n: the Thorn is a very dangerous gun not just for the victim but the user to it brings the darkness out of your hearts and controls your mind, let's just go to sleep *I lift Ruby into her bed and I lay in my sleeping bag*

Ok that's all folks thanks for reading this is my first story so if you have any tips for new writers please message me them anyways this is The slayer signing off

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