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This is a short chapter to explain the characters a little bit.

This will be the only chapter with a pov change, its just for you all to get to know the characters, this all happens at the same time, whilst Tenya is at school they are doing this, this isn't chapter two by the way


Venom pov

As I walk down the streets I spy (With my little eye-) some of the kids who used to bully me, back when I was in high school. This will be a perfect chance to test my new poisons! I walk into an ally and lower myself to the ground, I clasp my ankle, groaning in pain. I knew they wanted to be heroes so i'd know they'd help me. The probably don't recognize me either so its perfect!

When they walk past I whimper a small 'Help'. They turn to face me, eyes widening they rush over to help me. (Theres two of them by the way) When they start to walk away I jab one of them with a needle and inject them with one of my poisons and he drops to the ground dead, for the other one, she noticed her deceased friend, I pull up my mask and grab her, bringing a bottle up to her face, I knock the lid off and right before she smells it I whisper, 

"I don't need a quirk." 


Phoenix Pov

"Jasmine and I are going out now, Bye Dad!" I yell, about to walk out the door. 

"Young..." The short hero glaces at my wrist, before continuing "Lady, where do you think your going?" 

"Out." I say. I thought it was obvious.

"I- That's not what I meant and you know that! Where are you going?" I love teasing him like this, It's fun. He's so easy to piss off, best part is, He likes my 'jokes'.

"We're going to the mental hospital." Jasmine says, sighing at my antics. 

"Which one?" Papa says, walking into the room. He must want to go visit his Mum. He hasn't seen her since he ran away with his brother.

"Uhm. Both? We're going to the one Jasmine was put in first to uh..."  I stop talking, What do I say? I can't just say 'Hey Dad, Papa i'm going to the Hospital My girlfriend was put in so I can burn it down and Kill everyone in it.' 

"So you can...?" Papa says, waiting for my response. 

"We are going to burn it down." Jasmine says. Wow. Way to give the news gently.

"Okay. Are you going to visit Rei?" Dad asks. Papa flinches at the name. 

"I- Yeah. We are going there after. I want to meet her. Would you like to come too?" I say, Looking at my parents. Papa hesitates then nods, Dad just agrees he will go, seeing as Papa is going. 

"Alright, Lets go. Your Father and I will wait in the car while you do your.. business"  Papa says.

"I think I will fly for a bit, I don't want to get caught with villains, as much as I love you all I don't think it would be good for any of us." Dad sighs. This is the problem with our family, we can't do anything together because two of us are villains and Dad's a hero, sometimes I wish we were a normal family.


Watching the flames twist and turn is a magnificent sight, a sense of accomplishment in my heart. I go to get in the car when I see Dad flying above me. I lean into the car window. 

"Hey Papa, seeing as we stole this car, how would you feel like flying?" I ask him, hoping he'll say yes so I can fly with Jasmine. 

"Eh, why not, call you Father down here so I can fly with him." The half purple man says.

I fly up and drag Dad down, he shoots me a confused look.

"We're flying to the hospital, Let Papa fly with you!" I say, a little exited. I'll admit, I haven't exactly shown emotion like this in ages so it shocked Dad a little, he gives me a small hug then walks over to where Papa is standing.

I go over to Jasmine who is still staring at the flames. 

"Jazzy! Come on!" I pick her up and we start flying to the hospital.


You already know what Jasmine has been doing because she was with Phoenix so i'll do her brother


Jason Pov

Sometimes I wonder where my sister went. I miss her so much. All these thought are flying through my head as I walk over to the lunchroom, Getting my lunch next to Shinso, my Step-brother. He can tell somethings wrong, I know it.

"Hey, Jason. What's wrong..?" He asks.

"Nothing I-" Fuck. He got me. How did I forget?!? I'm so stupid. I hear him ask what's wrong. I don't want to tell anyone but my body moves on its' own.

"I'm worried about my sister, Jasmine. She was my twin sister, she went missing three years ago, when we first got out of the hospital she ran away. That's when you guys found me. I know she's still alive, I can feel it. I just want to see her again, I miss her so much" Without warning I start crying. He stops brainwashing me and stands me up.

"Come on, lets get you to Aizawa, he can help you." 


Okay so this is what the others have been doing, I hope it gives you a little bit of who they are. Can you guess who Phoenix's parents are? 

Anyway, Have a good day and thanks for reading!

Word Count: 958

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