~Chapter Four~

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He's standing against the wall, staring at me. It's kinda creepy when you think about it. He walks over to me, not taking his eyes off me. He doesn't say anything, only looks me in the eyes and gives me a note.

'Meet me at my dorm after school. - Yuga Aoyama'

That was a very strange encounter. I wonder what that was about.... Anyway, I still feel a sense of disappointment in my heart, if only it were different. I'm upset with myself. I wish I could have killed someone then, now that I think about it I could've told Uraraka to instruct Midoriya to punch the roof, the ceiling would've collapsed onto him and possibly Bakugou and maybe if I were lucky Uraraka would be right where he punched so she would have at least been injured. Oooh~ I wish that happened! The disappointment is replaced by giddiness, I can't stop thinking about it now, I'm gonna be distracted for the rest of the day.


While the teacher is talking my mind is elsewhere, it's a good thing I can act, otherwise I'd of been caught already.


I'm back at the Battle Trial Ark, this time i'm wearing my villain costume, strange. It must be right before the 'heroes' enter the building as Bakugou walks in. He tells me he's going after Midoriya. I try protesting but he refuses to listen. It's at this point I notice he's wearing a more villainous costume.  

As he leaves I begin to clean the floor, picking up anything that could be used as a weapon. Not much is on the floor so it wasn't that difficult. I do regret picking such a stiff costume though. I need to edit that later. (Remember it's a daydream, he is aware of what is happening outside his world as well.)

The siren signals the 'heroes' have entered the building. Almost immediately the building shakes, they've been found already, how pathetic. As it gets to the part Uraraka 'secretly' talks to Midoriya I remember my new plan. 

When she's tied up I order her to tell Midoriya to punch up now, as hard as he can as long as he hits the ceiling. She tenses up when we hear Midoriya scream. Just a second before he makes contact with the roof I run to another room. I hear a Uraraka scream, them Midoriya, then Bakugou. Then it all goes silent. Carefully I make my way back into the room. I'm met with a wonderful sight, Uraraka is unconscious, Bakugou is bleeding underneath a rock, unconscious and Midoriya is nowhere to be seen, All that remains of him is a pool of blood and an arm sticking out from under the pile of rocks. A most wonderful sight, I just stand there, staring at them as Mr. Aizawa runs into the room below followed by the students. Everyone is down there trying to move the rocks, panicking, everyone but Aoyama. 

"An amazing sight isn't it." He says from behind me. Before I can turn around i'm pulled from my world.

~End Daydream~ 

"Iida. Can you answer my question?" Mr. Aizawa says, eyes boaring into my skull. Luckily I can multitask and heard everything he had said.

"Yes sir. The most efficient way to save someone is to avoid damage to any buildings as it's probably not the best way to keep your position secret. Instead you should use your quirk in the best way possible, sometimes it's best to not use it, like if you were to find a prisoner but you had a rather loud quirk, take Bakugou's for example. It would be most practical to sneak around and only use your quirk if confronted by the villain. Even in such situations it may not be wise to fire off blasts as it will alert other villains in the area." I smirked, Mr. Aizawa wasn't expecting me to know the answer, I can tell. He underestimated me.

I can't wait to see him bleed. I can't wait to see him squirm. I can't wait to see everyone cowering before me. Before us.  

"Iida, please stay after class." He says before returning to his sleeping bag. "For now, everyone do whatever you want, just don't be too loud." 

If I stay after class I won't be able to meet Aoyama, I'll have to wait a bit. Ugh why did I have to do this, I broke character a little didn't I? Fuck. How could I be so careless! This was a stupid mistake on my part, If he confronts me on this I could just say I was thinking about something... Maybe I could say I was evaluating the fight with Midoriya and Uraraka. Yeah, that'll work, if it doesn't I could always kill him. No..that would be too suspicious, besides he'd probably call for help. Ugh, all because of a stupid mistake! I should stop worrying so much, he could just be asking me about something else. 

Once again i'm ripped from my thought, this time by Aoyama. He's standing in front of me, 'smiling'. Why must he do that. Is he okay..? 

"Hey Aoyama." I greet, locking eyes with his. Once again he doesn't say anything, only stares. "Would you like to sit?" I pat the spot besides me, offering a seat to him.

"Thank you Iida." He says, in a faked happy voice. I'm going to ask him about that later, I have to. "I'm aware you can't come directly after school so how about you come by my dorm at 4, or whenever you get away from Aizawa." He smiles again. I don't like this smile, it screams fake, to me at least. 

One thing i've noticed about Aoyama is that nobody really pays attention to him. He could go to school naked and he'd get no attention. Heck he could even be glowing and nobody would notice him, it's horrible. Thinking about it, he'd have a great reason to be a villain. Maybe i'll talk to him about that later. I'd need to be 100% certain before I say anything though, wouldn't want him telling anyone about us.

I lower my voice, "Hey Aoyama... Are you okay...?" His eyes widen as he stumbles for words.

"I- uh, why would you think somethings wrong mon ami?" He stutters, his eyes darting to the side, averting his gaze from mine. Something I've observed is his eyes are duller then they used to be, his once amythst eyes have died down to a sort of lilac colour, I'm not sure if that's a good thing... I doubt it.

"I'm apologies if I'm being... pushy I'm just concerned about your wellbeing. It's perfectly fine if you'd rather keep to yourself, just know I'm here for you if you ever need it." I know something is wrong and I honestly do want to help him, I know what it's like to be in this state.

"I... Thank you mon ami, that is very kind of you... But you needn't worry about me." He pauses for a moment as if he were to say something else, instead he shuts his mouth, as if talking were a crime.

Before I can respond the bell rings, telling me it's time to find out what Aizawa wants. I have a bad feeling about this.

"See you later Aoyama." I give a small wave as he walks away.

"Goodbye Mon ami, see you later. "


Word count: 1271

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