~Chapter Fourteen~

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I'm terribly sorry about the placement of this chapter, if it's playing up from you as well (Wattpad keeps putting it after chapter seven for some reason)


Once people began to leave the room, most likely to cry yet again, I hunt Kamanari down and request to meet him at my dorm to discuss Midoriya's notebook. I need another person's advice as to what we should prioritize, Mina or the book. 

When he eventually arrives we lock the doors, close the blinds and lock the windows. No one should hear us but just to be safe Kamanari decides to 'blast' some music. 

Once we're sure nothing can hear we begin our scheming. 

"So, What was it you require? Did Yuri settle in good?" He asks, oblivious to what occurred yesterday.

"Yeah, she's fine. Jasmine however, had a panic attack and I'm unaware of her current state." I pause for a moment, taking in his face and letting him process what I just said. "That's not why your here though, I wanted to speak about another traitor. Phoenix has informed me that he league also has a traitor."

"Seriously? And I thought I was special" He jokes, adding a small laugh at the end before saying in a more serious tone, "But really, did she say who it is?"

"They, Phoenix was a they, I'm not too sure of their pronouns today so please stick with they. Aside from that they mentioned it was Mina. We need to confirm this information, as much as I trust Phoenix it is unwise to take information, immediately act and risk getting caught."

"Oh... I-I guess that makes sense.. and uhm, thank you for correcting me, i'd hate to miss-gender someone. " Kamanari slowly nods, still processing the information. Eventually he comes to a understanding. 

"In saying that I need your opinion. What is your judgment, should we go after the book first or confirm our suspicion about Mina?" He thinks for a moment, contemplating the risks of both assignments. 

"I'd say we should go after Mina before the book, it'll give Deku more time to gather information anyway. Good thinking by the way, i'd of never thought to use him, that book is a powerful asset." And with his decision I begin to ponder our next movement.

We sit in total silence for a few minutes, both deep in thought before Kamanari speaks up.

"We could always use a bit of stealth practice right?" He asks, drifting off again.

"Well I suppose so, what are you suggesting?" I say, his words have peaked my interest.

"You know how she usually hangs around the Bakusquad right? What if you sneak into her room while she's with us and try collecting some information there. If all else fails we could just confront her." He mumbles, ranting about his plan.

"Very well, see that she is distracted for a good few minutes, that should secure me a decent amount of time to investigate. Until then, take this and return to your friends." I explain, handing him a small ear piece.

He takes it a carefully puts it on, testing it before giving a small wave and heading off.

Looking around I notice her room is very neat, quiet the opposite of what you'd expect really.

The only thing that sticks out is this small cardboard structure in the corner of her room, it appears to be... Actually, I'm not really sure what its meant to be..

Just as I'm about to go over and look I hear Kamanari's voice come through my ear piece, Mina's heading to her dorm.

He said he tried his best to keep her put for longer but all his attempts failed. I need to act fast.

My eyes frantically dart around the room, scanning for places to hide. The only place I can find is the strange structure in the corner.

Deciding against my gut I approach it, as I get close I see a few pictures. It's of Bakugou and Kirishima sitting at a bench in the local park with the word 'Kiribaku' written underneath.

She has pictures of most our class, I believe she's taken the pictures with our their consent as most of not all of them are of two or more people doing an everyday activity.

Two photos catch my eye, a picture of Mina and a girl I've never seen before, the girl has short chestnut hair and emerald green eyes, the pair is walking through the park holding hands. Maybe thats another villain? Come to think of it she looks like the villain from the news report.

The second image I spot is one of me and... Aoyama...?

The picture is one I recognise from a few days ago, the picture Mina had sent to the group chat, when I was singing to Aoyama.

Just like the picture of Bakugo and Kirishima a singular word is written under the photo of us.


Panic soon sets in as I remember what my position was, I needed to hide!

I scramble behind the cardboard and sit still, hiding myself completely.

Soon enough she walks in, immediately locking the doors and windows.

She picks up her phone and walks into the closet. Her closest must be soundproofed as all noise soon drains from the room leaving me in a eerie silence.

Eventually she walks back out, putting her phone down and muttering to herself about some girl. I don't catch any names, only the fact that whoever she's talking about is someone close to her, a romantic partner maybe?

When she finishes talking to herself she begins to pull out an image of Mineta, slowly burning holes in it, screaming as she does.

I'd like to think her room is also soundproofed but that's a theory yet to be debunked.

Then again, if her room was soundproofed, what was the reason for her entering the closet to contact this mystery person.

Was she aware of my presence? Does she know I'm-

"Whoever you are, show yourself now. I swear to all for- I swear to all Might, if its you Denki I'll kill you! I've had enough of your shitty jokes."



Greetings fellow humans, I am still alive, I just have a few issues going on right now, I will of course, try update whenever it's possible.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and, if you have any feedback or criticism that's greatly appreciated, I love hearing your thoughts!

Have a nice day/night, farewell!

Word count: 1066

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2020 ⏰

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