~Chapter Ten~

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I wanna apologise if the writing style has small changes at times.. Do people actually read this?


The rest of the day was uneventful, Kamanari stayed in my dorm 'taking care of me'. We just talked like normal people, about the news, music stuff like that.

I discovered quite a bit about him actually, he likes to listen to Alec Benjamin and has a big interest in poetry. Surprisingly he has an interest in English and likes writing poetry. He showed me some of his poetry, it's quite depressing actually, he writes about depression, self harm and transphobic things he's had said to him. 

Kamanari had left before school finished, going back to class half way through the day. This left me to think about what he had said. 'I was born in the wrong body.' So he was trans, and by what it sounded like, he had been abused, mentally and physically. Good to know, we don't except people who haven't a good reason to be a villain.

Based on what he said, briefly mentioning being discriminated for his quirk, I'm going to assume that was another thing he was ridiculed for.

I quite like his quirk, to have a quirk more fitting for head on attacks rather stealth. That's one thing I hate, people say you can't be a hero without a 'good' quirk. I believe, regardless of your quirk, that you can be a hero. Sadly, to get this message across I had to become a villan. That wasn't my only reasoning though. I had realised if I wanted to be recognised as my own person I couldn't follow in my brothers footsteps. If I became a hero I'd only be seen as him, always being compared to him.

I want to be my own person. That is why I made the Shadow Knights. To be free, to choose my own path.

Once the school day finished I got up, snapping back to reality. I remembered my meeting with Kamanari.

I had to hurry as it is quite a walk and I can't use my quirk in public. What's the point in quirks if only 'heroes' can use them?

On the way to the coffee shop I recalled a conversation I had overheard sometime last year.

I remember a quiet, high pitched voice asking if he could be a hero without a quirk. I had heard, who I assumed to be All Might, reply with a soul crushing awnser.

He had said someone without a quirk couldn't be a hero, they injure the self's needlessly or 'worse' get in the way.

When I heard this I felt like approaching the boy. I knew I couldn't though. I could hear the boys sniffs as the hero prepared to leave. That's all I can remember, a so called hero crushing some kids dreams, no empathy in hi voice.

Once I had arrived at the coffee shop I looked around, making sure nobody saw me, only a few people were around though, its not very populated here.

As I walk behind the small building I see Kamanari, leaning against the wall waiting. He looks up and gives a quick hello.

Walking closer to him I grab his hand and drag him into the forest.

I don't go too deep into the forest before I turn, making my way to our hideout.

When we arrive only Phoenix and Opal are present.

"Greeting Ten, how's life? It's Blue today. " He says, keeping an eye on Kamanari. Opal is sitting at the table playing with some dolls we found.

"Could be better, I'm getting tired of listening to All Might though. He's such a prick. How have you been Phoenix?" I say, motioning for Kamanari to sit.

Kamanari cautiously sits down, watching as Opal plays with her dolls, yapping to herself. Phoenix is at the kitchen making some cupcakes.

"It's been fun, having Opal here and all. She's an angel Ten, an absolute Angel!" He says, Laughing as he gazes at Opal, who's now tiredly looking at me.

"Hiya... Mr Tenya!" Opal says, almost falling asleep. Phoenix rushes over, scooping the small girl up in his arms as she drifts to sleep.

"I'll be right back." Phoenix says, walking off with Opal sleeping in his arms. Once he's gone Kamanari speaks up.

"Who's the kid?" He asks, turning to me.

"Well... That. That is the girl from the news. I found her stranding in the street crying. Her parents had kicked her out." His face immediately softens as he realises what she's been through.

"Poor girl, she's so young." Phoenix enters quietly and sits next to us, once again curiously looking at Kamanari.

"Phoenix, this is Kamanari Denki. Denki, this is Phoenix." I say, resting my head on a pillow. Kamanari shakes his hand, giving a quick hello.

"So, whys he here?" Phoenix asks, getting up to check on the cupcakes.

"He's here to join us. We talked over his reasons earlier. If you have a problem consult me about it. If you wish to know his motives, ask him. He seems to share a simular motive to you." I say, staring at the wall, counting the bricks.

"Why don't we test his loyalty? You can take him out for some fun when you go back to hell. I would come to but I must stay with Opal." Phoenix suggests, taking the cupcakes out of the oven.

"Alright, we'll be taking our leave, farewell Phoenix, inform the others when they return and tell Opal I'm sorry I couldn't spend more time here."

"Aight, bye. Nice meeting you newbie." He says, walking off to Opal's room.

As we leave the base I explain to Kamanari.

"We're going to test your loyalty as you know. So, take your pick, murder, stealing or arson?" As I say this Kamanari's eyes light up. He thinks for a moment before replying.

"Let's do a murder that sounds fun!" he laughs quietly.

"Alright, come with me. I have the best candidate." I lead him to an old looking building, inside is this run down supermarket.

Surprisingly it's still active, a young man stands at the counter.

"Hello. What do you guys want?" The man grunts. Kamanari approaches him, reaching into his jacket.

He pulls out his knife and the man's eyes widen. I quickly survey the room for any cameras. Upon seeing none I stand and watch.

"Now now. That's not a nice way to treat people Is it?" Kamanari sneers, stepping behind the counter.

"T-take the money dude! Take whatever y-you want!" The man stutters.

"Mmmmm okay!" Kamanari says, stepping closer to the broken register. "Ooooh~ I know what I want!" His eyes light up and he turns to the man.

"I want your life!" He says as he stabs the man. It brings a tear to my eye, to witness something so beautiful yet so deadly.

"Okay, grab anything you want, don't be too suspicious and let's go!" I say, grabbing a Mars bar and walking outside.

Kamanari joins me outside with a peppermint chocolate and we head off towards the dorms.

What a lovely day!


Sorry I haven't been updating for a while, I had a bit of writers block so I spent some time working on a rough plot outline, I'll post that once this book is done so you can see my thought process. Anyway, hope you like this chapter, have a nice day/night!

Word count: 1246

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