~Chapter Twelve~

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This one has lots of speaking so I apologise if it seems different, I can't write apparently ;-;


As we grow closer to the mysterious lady Kamanari gasps, he's noticed the body underneath her.

"Oh my gosh. Is that really Erica?" He says as he inches closer.

"Sorry Kid, I'm not gonna let her live." The lady apologies, anger hinted in her soft voice. 

"Oh my gosh it is Erica! Oh wow~ That's amazing! Let me see!" At this point a deranged laugh slips from his mouth. Kamanari quickly walks to the lady, who's still straddling the young girl underneath her, the woman's hand holding a knife at her throat.

"Hiya Erica! Remember me~?" He giggles, crouching down to speak with the girl.

From the look on the girls face I can tell she recognized him. Her eyes widen with shock as she begins pleading with him. All that we can hear are muffled screams though as what appears to be hair is stuffed in her mouth.

"Haha~ Guess you do remember me! I could help you right now!" He glares at her, a crazed grin on his face. "But where's the fun in that? Kill her.

The woman stabs her in the throat and the girl stops moving. She stabs the girl a few more times, ensuring that she's dead.

The woman stands up, offering her hand to Kamanari.

"What'd she do to you kid?" She asks, brushing herself off and adjusting her mask.

"She's not the nicest of people. Not really excepting either, Homophobic, Transphobic and racist, you've done the world a favor really." Kamanari reaches his hand out the the woman. "Kamanari Denki, A pleasure to meet you miss..?"

"Yuri. Yuri Lota." That's when I recognize her face. She had recently made her break as a villain when she dismembered twenty police officers and some new hero on live television. I can remember the look of horror on everyone's face as we watched the fight in the common room. Let's just say, they stopped the broadcast very quickly.

Once they've parted Kamanari turns his attention to the corpse again, laughing as he takes in her bloodied face.

"Yuri, would you like to come with us? We were just searching for a new member of our group." I offer. She thinks for a moment before adjusting her glasses and wiping some blood off her dress.

"You children aren't normal. You are like me. Tell me, are you guys from U.A?" She motions for me to walk. As we make our way to the base she mentions something about her schooling.

"I remember going to this top secret government school. It was torture, i'll tell you that much. They made us train until we collapsed, even then they'd force us to get back up. If we didn't they'd lock us in a room and starve us." Hearing this gives me more of a reason to hate heroes.

"How old were you..?" Kamanari questions, empathy in his voice.

"Well... We started when I was...Six? I ran away when I was uhh... Seventeen I think.. So, I spent Eleven years there, it's been around Six years since I left." I can't believe it, she was so young! How could someone do that?!

When we walked in I was surprised to see Hawks and Dabi. Dabi was on the couch, talking to Venom and Hawks was leaning on the wall over near the kitchen, talking to Phoenix.

"Why is there a hero here?!" Kamanari snapped, glaring at Hawks.

"Chill dude, he's not gonna get you!" Phoenix giggles before turning to me. "Yo ten! Meet my Dad!" Phoenix motions to Hawks, then Dabi. "And my Papa!"

"MY BROTHERS GAY!" Yells Venom, laughing as Dabi's face heats up.

"H-huh?! Y-Yeah but y-you don't need t-to yell about i-it!" Dabi screams, extremely flustered.

"Hey Papa, he likes the ninja turtle." This time it's Venom all flustered, his face flushes red as his arms flail about in an attempt to speak.

"Woa, Spinner? Really? Imma call him over." Dabi says with a smirk, pulling out his phone.

"W-Wait no! D-d-don't do that!" Venom squeaks, bolting upright and running over to Dabi, trying to pry the phone from his hands.

"Hello? What'd you need Dabi?" A voice, presumably Spinner spoke from the phone. Venom's face twists in embarrassment as he freezes up.

"Oh hey Spinner, I was just wondering if you'd like to come over and hang with us." Venom's a blushing mess by now. A small part of me feels bad for him.

"Where and Who?" The voice groans.

As Dabi explains to Spinner Hawks is lying on the ground dying from laughter as is Phoenix and Jasmine.

"I'll be there in 5." Spinner hangs up and Venom pushes Dabi to the ground and starts kicking him.

"I hate you!" He yells before running off to his room and slamming the door.

"Mr Birdie are you okay?" A small voice asks. We turn to Hawks and see Opal has woken up. She's standing over him and poking his wings.

"Wh- Yeah! I'm fine!" He says, getting up and brushing himself off. "What's your name little one?"

"Oh, I'm Opal! Nice to meet you Mr birdie!" Opal runs over to Dabi and grabs his hand. "Who're you Mr? You look so cool!"

"You may call me Dabi." Opal giggles and runs to jump on the couch.

"Well... While we wait for Spinner i'd like you to meet someone! Yuri!" I announced, calling Yuri into the room.

As she walks in Hawks gasps, freezing in his place.

"Y-Yuri? Is that r-really you..?" He says, staring in disbelief.

"Huh? What do you-" Yuri pauses as she gets a look at him. "Oh my god! Keigo! I'm so glad your okay!"

Hawks runs over to Yuri and gives her a tight hug. This interaction leaves everyone speechless.

"H-how does she know your name..? How do you know her?!" Dabi stutters, clearly jealous.

"Oh... Remember how I told you I didn't go to a normal school? She was in the same program as me! She ran away a year before we finished and I haven't seen her since.." Hawks backs away from Yuri and rushes back to Dabi, pulling him into a passionate kiss.

"Get a room!" Yells Spinner, who had just walked in.

"Oi! Dumbass! Get out here!" Dabi shouts, earning a groan from Venom in return.

"Fine..." He mumbles, shuffling out of his room.

Once he sees Spinner his face flushes red again.

"I'm sorry but, what are your names..?" Spinner asks, looking around the room.

After the introductions we all split into our own little groups, Phoenix, Dabi, Hawks, Jasmine, Spinner and Venom are over near the kitchen and Kamanari, Yuri and I are sitting on the couch. Opal went back to her room to sleep.

We get to talking about Yuri possibly joining the Shadow Knights, she agrees to join as long as she still gets to do her own thing time to time. I had agreed to those terms with a condition of my own, she had to ensure nobody found out about the hideout or Kamanari and I's presence here.

Sadly enough, Kamanari had left an hour before me, to avoid suspicion.

I had shown Yuri to her room then left to speak with Dabi.


Word count: 1231

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