~Chapter Seven~

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Once classes restarted I wasn't expecting Aizawa to return, I had thought he died, along with Mineta and Hagruke who had both been killed mercilessly, of course, nobody else in the class knew this. I had a feeling they'd be sad for Hagruke. Especially Ojiro, he seemed the closest to her.

Once Aizawa walked in he was bombarded by stupid questions, I on the other hand had to act if I were worried, asking a few questions here and there. It was all good until Ojiro spoke. 

"Sensei, where's Toru?" He asks, voice drowned in worry. Aizawa sighs as he speaks, telling them the 'bad' news.

"Hagruke, along with Mineta were killed in the attack. We found her dead on the ground, she had died from an un-known poison. We suspect it's a villains quirk. Mineta on the other hand, was found dead his.... private parts had been severed, a stab wound in his chest and a cross engraved on his cheek.."  The colour quickly drains from everyone's faces, mourning the death of Hagruke, only a few people shed a few words for Mineta. To blend in I bring a few tears to my eyes and bury my head in my arms before getting up and walking over to Ojiro. I attempt to comfort him, secretly happy watching them all in pain. After talking to him I go to Denki. He's one of the ones somewhat sad about Mineta's demise. 

As I approach him I see his eyes, like everyone else's are filled with tears. I try talking to him but he waves me away, claiming he doesn't want to talk right now. 

Feeling fed up with it I walk back to my seat, reminiscing about Mineta's pain. It brings a smile to my face.. well, it would if I were alone. I need to be sad currently. I force more tears to my eyes, bringing a sad smile to my face as I look at everyone. 

"What are you smiling at Glasses?!" Bakugou snarls, looking directly at me. 

"I-i'm sorry. I'm just trying to stay positive, it appears it wouldn't help if I broke down now, I'm trying to be strong for you all.." I say, pretending to choke back tears. He thinks for a moment before giving me a weak smile. Wow, I didn't think he was capably of smiling. 

Aizawa interrupts the sob session, proposing we go out and train, maybe getting our minds off the tragic events. 

We all change into our costumes and head out to the field, listening to Aizawa as he gives us instructions. 

We're to get into pairs and partake in some 'fun' activities, though I wouldn't classify hide and seek as a fun activity, more as a kiddy game. We're to take turns being 'it', one pair being selected to find people as other pairs hide. Pairs are to hide together or in the same area, making sure the other person on your team can still see you when wanted. The seekers have ten minutes to find everyone, the hiders having two minutes before hand to hide making each round twelve minutes in total. 

I get paired with Asui, this will be ideal, she can camouflage, surely we'll win. The first pair to 'seek' is Yuga and Bakugou. Asui and myself run into the small forest, looking for a place to hide. We find a shady spot up in the trees for Asui to hide and I walk over to a small bush and hide behind it, blending into the shadows. We're almost invisible, you'd need a good eye to see us. 

A loud bang signifies time has started and the 'seekers' are on the hunt. I hear a small scream as I assume Bakugou finding Uraraka and Midoriya as a small blast accompanies the scream. After what seems like ages the round is finally over, Yuga is standing in front of the bush i'm behind and Asui is above them.

Asui jumps down, scaring Yuga and I stand up, also seeming to scare them.

"Oh wow, you guys are good at this!" They say, smiling at me. Asui smiles and walks away, Yuga and I promptly do the same.

When we return to the starting area it's clear people are feeling better. 

"So, Uraraka and Midoriya were caught first, they'll be seeking this time, remember usage of quirks is allowed." Aizawa shot a quick glance to Bakugou and Yuga. "Once caught you need to come here where you'll wait until the round is over."

Once again returning to our spots, not bothering to change places as nobody was around us. This time we hear laughing. I believe Midoriya has caught Todoroki, I saw where his team hid and it was rather embarrassing. He had attempted to fir under a log but had misjudged the size of the space he was trying to wiggle into and had gotten stuck. I assume Midoriya is getting him out now, I look up the where Asui is to find she's gone. 

I shrug and lay down, I couldn't care less about her whereabouts. Waiting for time to be up was a bore. Listening to laughter was painful, I'd rather hear screams again. The alarm finally sounds and I get up, walking to the entrance. 

Asui is standing at the gate with her head down. She must've been caught. 

"Asui, where did you go? Did you get caught?" I 'worried'. She nods and looks me in the eyes, glaring at me.

"Call. Me. Tsu." She growls. Now that I think about it she'd make a great villain with this attitude. Too bad she's set on being a hero, she'd have no reason to be a villain anyway. Have you every heard of a villain who's reason for becoming a villain was 'People kept calling me by my name.' Now that'd be strange. 

"Okay, my deepest apologies Tsu." I 'apologized'. 

The rest of the 'game' went pretty much the same, we didn't get caught again until the second last round. It was our turn to be the 'seeker'. 

When the starting sound rang throughout the silent forest we started our hunt, splitting up from each other. 

Walking through the trees and bushes I could see where people had been, following their footsteps. I had followed the footsteps to find Momo crouched in a bush, hugging Jiro. Pathetic. How can they call themselves heroes if they don't pay attention to their surroundings. You can't cuddle during a chase or battle. 

"It seems you've been caught girls." I laughed, looking at their terrified expressions. 

"O-oh.. yeah. W-we'll go now! Bye Iida!" Jiro nervously laughs, getting up with Momo and walking to the entrance. 

After that I found Denki, laying in the trees with Mina. Then Todoroki and Kirishima, Koda and Shoji, Tokoyami and Sato and finally Yuga and Bakugou. Asui found the rest. We returned to the entrance five minutes before the games ended, having found everyone. 

Once we were back everyone was staring at us, congratulating us for our win. We were the only group to have caught everyone. 

"Good job to Iida and Asui." Aizawa clapped, still talking in a monotone voice. "Now that we're all feeling better how about we head back and go to lunch." 


Word Count: 1204

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