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The story of how Ethan and I met is actually pretty funny.

We met at a wedding. A wedding. I know. Ridiculous, right?

I was about to go into my senior year of college, and super single.

I didn't have a date at this wedding, and I barely even knew anyone because it was a girl from my sorority who was getting married.

I had just turned 21 a few months prior, so I was patiently standing by my table, and watching what seemed like every couple in the world dancing on the dance floor to I Don't Want to Miss a Thing by fucking Aerosmith.

It was almost laughable to me.

That's when Ethan showed up next to me. "Weddings, am I right? So cheesy."

I knew we'd get along as soon as he said that.

"Who are you here for?" I asked.

He leaned his head sideways toward mine as we both watched all of the so-called cheesy couples who were still slow dancing. "The groom is my cousin."

I nodded. "I'm in the bride's sorority. Well, she's graduated now, but you know. Alpha Chi Omega."

Ethan giggled. "You still in college?" He asked.

I nodded. "I'll be a senior this year. Journalism."

"Me too. Well, not journalism, but senior. What college do you go to?"

"I'm at UCSB."

"No way! Me too! Do you by chance want to get drinks with me tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow's Sunday."

"Coffee. Get your head out of the gutter," He trailed off, realizing that I hadn't told him my name yet.

So, I stuck my hand out for a handshake. "Emma."

"Right. I'm Ethan. Nice to meet you, Emma. Now, do you want to live out your wildest hallmark romantic comedy dreams and dance with me?"

I smiled. "Lead the way."

So, we danced. We went out for coffee the next day. We connected.

We hooked up.

I lost his number.

Which sucked. He was a great guy. Fun. Charming. Smart. Incredibly hot.

And so good against the mattress. And against the wall. Maybe even on the kitchen counter. It was a blur. I loved it.

I didn't know if I was ever going to see him again because I lost his damn number.

But he was at the same university as me, and I ran into him one day.

We started hanging out, but decided to stay friends because we were good at being friends.

We became best friends.

And at the end of senior year when we both graduated, his roommate moved across the country, and my lease was up.

So, we decided that we'd become roommates. Two bedrooms, two bathrooms.

It was a good arrangement.

In the meantime I met my now-boyfriend Caleb, but I like living with Ethan. He's my best friend.

We have a great group of friends who you'll learn about as the story goes on.

I didn't know how much living in that little apartment on Cornelia Street would change not only my life, but Ethan's too. That place was magical, and I know for a fact that my life would be way different if Ethan and I never lived together.

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