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It was a few weeks later when we flew to Phoenix for the weekend to visit Ethan's family again.

I couldn't decide if I gained a better perspective of Ethan's family, or if I wasn't able to read them at all.

But my conversation with Grayson on Saturday night gave me a slight glance into their family.

It was after dinner on Saturday night. When Lisa and Sean found out that Ethan and I were going to visit for the weekend, they invited Grayson's family over too. And I got stuck cleaning the dishes with Grayson while Ethan ran to the store with Lisa.

"So, how did Ethan land a nice girl like you?"

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"Ethan's...well, you know. Ethan."

"I love him."

"I don't think he deserves someone like you."

"You know, I hate to break it to you, but Ethan is a great guy. He's the kindest person I've ever known. He takes care of me. He's my best friend, and the love of my life. If you can't see how amazing of a person your brother is, you must be very fucking blind. He's the most amazing man I've ever met, and I'm the happiest I've ever been because I'm with him. If your family treats this baby like they treat Ethan, then you guys might not get to see this kid very often."

Grayson glanced at me. "You're pregnant?"

"I am. And it's about time you and your parents straightened up and treat Ethan with the respect and love that he damn well deserves. You and I both know that."

"You're right. I'm sorry. I guess I've always kind of been jealous of Ethan. But I don't know why my parents act like they do."

"And yet he's still so polite, and kind, and he's successful on his own. I mean, he pushed himself through college, and now he has a really high up job at the advertising firm. I couldn't be more proud of him."

"You're good for Ethan."

"He's good for me too." I said. Ethan finally got back with Lisa, so I helped carry in the groceries and put them away.

Surprisingly my talk with Grayson actually worked, and he had a really long talk with Ethan that night.

Ethan and I were staying in the upstairs guest bedroom, and I could see out the window into the backyard, where Ethan and Grayson were sitting on the bench in the garden.

I was proud of myself for sticking up for Ethan. Maybe Grayson will stick up for him now too.

It was around one in the morning when I glanced through the window and saw Ethan heading back towards the house.

A few minutes later he came into our room, sitting next to me and wrapping his arms around my stomach.

I looked at him, and he immediately kissed my lips in a long peck. "Thank you."

I smiled. "For what?"

Ethan took my hand and held it against his heart. "For loving me so well."

I leaned forward and pressed a warm, lingering kiss to his lips. "You don't have to thank me." I whispered. "The only thing I could ever ask for in return is your love, which you already show me everyday."

He pressed his forehead against mine, wrapping his arms tighter around me, making us closer. "I always hoped that someday someone would stand up for me against my family. I didn't even have to ask, and you made my wish come true."

I kissed his lips again, another soft kiss that spread warmth throughout my body. "It's us against the world, E."

He took my hand again, kissing it before he kissed my cheek, then my lips again. "Us against the world. I'll always protect you."


The next day was Sunday, and Ethan and I were flying out that night. I finally got the courage to politely have a long talk with Lisa and Sean. They did apologize to Ethan, but I could tell that they were finally gonna lighten up a little bit.

Ethan and I even told them about the baby, and to our surprise, they weren't disappointed in us. They realized the seriousness of Ethan's and my relationship. Knowing Ethan and I are most likely going to marry each other someday, they were happy to learn about their grand baby.

Our flight only took an hour and a half, so we got home around 9:30. I was ready to crash, so I put one of Ethan's sweatshirts on and brushed my teeth before climbing into bed. I'm pretty sure I fell asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow. Ethan was getting in the shower, so he wasn't in bed yet.

About a half hour later, I felt the bed dip, and his familiar arms wrapped around my stomach. He smelled like men's body wash and it made me happy, because the scent is so familiar to me now.

I rolled over so that I was facing him, and he kissed my forehead before leaning his forehead against mine.

I pecked his lips, and then he kissed back, slipping his tongue into my mouth.

Suddenly I wasn't that tired anymore.

He was slightly hovering over me as we made out, our lips slowly moving in perfect harmony as we laid there.

I loved the way he held me, and played with my hair while he kissed me. The faint smell of his body wash that gave him the perfect musk.

One thing I always loved about Ethan and I is that we don't have to say anything for the other to know how much we love each other. We just show it through our actions. I mean, we tell each other all the time, but it's proven; confirmed through everything we do together.

Especially the other day when I came home to a spotless apartment, and Ethan cooking dinner. I wasn't having that great of a day at work, but that all went away when I walked through the door.

I didn't even have to say anything, and somehow he knew that I was dreading finishing the laundry. So he did it for me. I love this man.

When we met at his cousin's wedding, he made a remark about weddings being cheesy, and I totally agreed. But now I completely understand why. If you fall in love you'll understand. Because when you fall in love, it makes you want to do the things you used to say you never would.  

Everything I said I wouldn't do went out the window when I fell for Ethan. He's for sure the only person I'd want a cheesy wedding with.

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