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I was watching tv while sitting in the couch when Ethan got home from work.

He greeted me with a kiss on the lips, then my jaw, then my neck.

"Someone missed me." I said. Ethan lifted his head up, and smiled at me.

"I always miss you when I'm at work. We have different lunch breaks and everything. It's not fair." He said, nuzzling his nose into my neck, leaving another trail of kisses.

I giggled. "You should tell the boss of your department that your pregnant girlfriend is on a different lunch break than you, and that you and I should have the same one."

"If the pregnant card works, you'll have to use it because I'm not sure if they'll believe me."

"My boss is pretty cool. I'll ask her." I said. Ethan smiled at me before leaning down, and pressing a long peck to my lips.

"I love you."

"I love you too, E. What should we have for dinner?"

"We could get appetizers at Fuzzy's, then figure it out from there." He suggested.

"I would like that. I'll bet Lena, Chase and Fisher are there."

"We'll go in fifteen minutes."


We left our apartment exactly fifteen minutes later, Ethan's hand holding onto mine as we crossed the street and through the door to the bar. Sure enough, our friends were sitting at our usual booth.

"Hey, guys. Long time no see." Lena said.

I laughed. "Missed you guys."

I sat down next to Lena, and Ethan sat across from me next to Fisher. Chase was on the other side of Lena.

Ethan started looking through the menu, then he looked at me. "Emma, do you want onion rings or mozzarella sticks?"

"Both." I said. He smiled at me.

"Of course."

He got up, walking over and kissing me on the cheek before he walked over to the bar to order our food.

"When are you guys gonna get married?" Lena asked.

"Please don't." Fisher said.

"Shut up, Fisher." Chase fired.

Ethan got back, handing me a glass of water, and a beer in his other hand. He took a sip of it as he looked at Chase. "What are we shutting him up about?"

"Fisher doesn't want us to get married." I said. Ethan smiled, setting his beer on the table before he leaned down and gave me along peck on the lips. Holding my face, he smiled at me. "Someday."

"Gross. Couples. Ew."

"Once again. Shut up, Fisher." Lena said.

Ethan laughed, sitting down again. "Fisher, you're just jealous."

"Yeah. It's unfair that you guys get Emma and Lena."

"Hey. Me and Emma chose Chase and Ethan. Get your own girlfriend." Lena said.

"Back off, buddy." Ethan said, glaring at Fisher. Fisher just jumped out of the booth and walked to the bar, finding a girl to hit on.

"That shut him up." Chase said. We all laughed.

The onion rings and mozzarella sticks finally came, and Ethan split both of the orders so that the two of us would each have half of both the onion rings and the mozzarella sticks.

Little things he would do like this told me that he was gonna be a great father to our child.

I couldn't help but smile at him from across the table, and he glanced at me, smiling back.

"What?" He asked, his face blushing like he was nervous. It was like we were still crushing on each other.

I mouthed 'I love you', and then smiled again, and he reciprocated the action.

A few minutes later, we had finished our appetizers, so Ethan stood up, and grabbed my hand to help me up.

"We're gonna go catch some dinner." Ethan said. I waved to Lena and Chase, and Ethan and I nodded at Fisher on the way out.

"What would you like to eat, m'lady?" Ethan asked as we walked down the block. His hand laced into mine, and I smiled.

"Can we get pizza?"

Ethan let go of my hand, only to put his arm around my shoulder and pull me closer to him.

"Dine in, or carry out?"

"Dine in. Like a little dinner date."

"That sounds like a dream to me."

A few minutes later, we were seated in a small pizza shop, looking through the menu.

"How does pepperoni and bacon sound?" Ethan asked.


"Perfect. Should we get a large and save the rest for leftovers?"

I nodded. "Sounds good."

So, we ordered the pizza with a side of cheese bread, and the two of us enjoyed a fun little dinner together.

I always loved little dates like these. It didn't matter if we were in our living room, or at a pizza place down the block. Wherever we were, it was perfect as long as we were together.

I had no doubt in my mind that Ethan and I were supposed to be together, and the baby in my stomach was a huge confirmation sign.

Ethan and I make each other so happy.

We went home that night and made our ice cream sundaes, and then we watched an old episode of Saturday Night Live together.

I had my head on his shoulder, and his arm was around me. One thing I loved about Ethan was that he always made me feel so warm. A comforting kind of warm.

If I was with Ethan, I was comfy and warm.

He kissed me on the forehead before speaking. "Wanna go somewhere next weekend?"

"Awe you wanna take me somewhere?"

"Yeah. I love going on weekend trips with you, babe."

I smiled, pecking his lips. "Where should we go?"

"We could go to Huntington Beach." He suggested.

"Like senior year?"

He smiled. "Yeah."

I kissed him again, loving the taste of pizza grease on his lips. "I would love that."

"That was such a memorable trip." He said.

"It was, wasn't it."

The trip was right before graduation, and Ethan kissed me. It was one of my favorite nights through my four years at college, and I totally thought Ethan was gonna ask me out. But he didn't.

I wanted him to so bad, but I felt hurt when he didn't and that's when I met Caleb. Not in Huntington Beach, but after graduation.

It's crazy how things worked out. Ethan and I still somehow ended up together.

Mixed signals are not fun to be around, and Ethan and I were oblivious to each other's feelings for a while.

I leaned my head on Ethan's shoulder and smiled. "I love you, Ethan."

He kissed me on the cheek. "I love you too, babe."

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