A/N: song of the chapter: Slow Hands (Acoustic) by Niall Horan

It was two weeks later, and the five of us were hanging out at Fuzzy's. Our usual seating arrangement which consisted of me and Ethan sitting across from Lena and Chase, and Fisher pulling up a chair to the booth.

The funny thing is that even though it's been two weeks, Fisher still thinks that Ethan and I got married in Vegas. It's actually really funny.

"I can't believe you got married." He said, looking at Ethan. "You're probably gonna be a dad soon."

Ethan laughed, wrapping his arms around my stomach, and kissing me on the cheek. "We're focusing on ourselves right now, Fisher."

Fisher rolled his eyes. "Couples. Gross. Ethan, how are you supposed to be my wingman anymore? No strip clubs or helping me pick up women. Me helping you pick up women." Fisher hates commitment. And not even personally to him. He hates it when other people are in committed relationships near him.

"I don't need anyone besides Emma." Ethan said.

"Yeah. Leave them alone, Fish. They're happy." Lena said.

"You know, Emma, I knew there'd be something between you and Ethan when he introduced you to us." Chase said.

He was Ethan's college roommate, and when Ethan and I started hanging out, we spent a lot of time with Chase and Lena. Now they're two of my best friends.

I smiled. "You did?"

"It was obvious." Lena said.

Ethan's arm was still around my waist, his other hand resting on the table. I put my hand on top of his, loosely intertwining my fingers with his. "You guys know what happened when we first met, right?" I asked.

Lena, Chase and Fisher all said no, so Ethan explained how we met at his cousin's wedding, and that we hooked up and I lost his number, but we were both seniors at UCSB, so we met again and have been best friends ever since.

Fisher just high-fived Ethan because of the part of the story that Ethan and I hooked up.

"Nice. Give us the details. Front, back, top bottom." He said. Fisher was grossly invested in sex, and hearing other people's stories. I laughed as I took a sip of my margarita.

"I'm not sharing the details with you, Fish." Ethan said. "Emma's mine. You don't get to know the details."

"Damn. You always used to tell me the details. You actually are serious about Emma, aren't you?"

"Yeah. She's the best girlfriend I've had so far." Ethan said.

"So you guys didn't get married?" Fisher asked, his face lighting up.

"It was a prank, Fish." I said.

"Thank God! There's still hope for you not to get married, Ethan. Don't get married!"

He hates marriage.

"Fish, have fun all you want, but I'm gonna settle at some point. And probably with Emma." Ethan said.

I smiled at Ethan, leaning my head on his shoulder for a quick second.

"Couples. Gross." Fisher said. "I'm gonna go get that red head by the bar. See you guys."

We all waved to him before he walked off, and then Lena rolled her eyes. "Why does he hate couple stuff so much?"

"It's because he can't figure out how to keep it in his pants for two seconds, so he doesn't get to know the women." Chase said.

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