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I was five minutes late getting home from work. But I did it on purpose. I figured it would be more fun that way. Well, at least more fun for Emma.

I on the other hand had no idea what I was getting myself into when I knocked on the door to our apartment.

Immediately the door forcefully pulled open, and there was Emma with next to no clothes.

Well, she was wearing a see through shirt with a black lace bra, and some really short shorts. Black velvet shorts.

She smirked at me as soon as she saw me. "You're late."

All in one motion, she grabbed my shirt in her fist, pulled me into the apartment, closed the door and pushed me up against it.

I hadn't even responded to her yet.

"You know what happens when you're late?" She asked. Her lips were close enough that if I leaned down a tad they'd touch mine, but I tried and she held her finger against my mouth to stop me.

I was already getting a slight hard on. I've never seen this dominant side of Emma, and I loved it. She knew she had an effect on me too.

I smiled. "What happens?"

She leaned closer to my ear. "You keep me waiting, I keep you waiting." She whispered.

Then she turned around and started walking towards the hallway. Our room was at the end of the hallway.

I stood there, processing the affect she had on me, until she glanced over her shoulder at me. "Well, you coming with or not? I almost had to start without you. The longer you make me wait, the longer I'll make you wait."

And then she walked into our room without glancing back once. I was speechless.

I rushed in there to find her slowly taking off the rest of her clothes.

I started to follow suit when she stopped me. "Not until I tell you to." She said.

The next thing she did was almost pure torture for me. She started taunting me by touching herself, but the worst part was that she told me that I had to watch her, and I wasn't allowed to do anything or else I'd have to wait longer.

And if I looked away, I'd have to wait longer. But I couldn't take it anymore.

I ripped off my belt before slightly pulling down my pants and grabbing my hard on. I started stroking it while watching Emma, but she suddenly stop and walked closer to me.

"What did I tell you? Do I have to tie you up?"

My heart started pounding. As hard and as fast as I wanted to pound her.

She walked over to her nightstand, opening it and pulling out a pair of handcuffs that I didn't even know existed in our household.

"Take your shirt and pants off." Emma said. "And hurry up. You know my rules now."

I seriously didn't know who this person was, and what she did with my Emma, but I liked this side of her.

If had a crazy effect on me that I don't even know how to begin to explain it.

Fast forward two minutes later, and she had one of my hands handcuffed to the bed post.

She was straddling my lap, only the thin material of my boxers and her small panties in between us.

Leaning her mouth to my ear, she softly spoke. "You've been pretty quiet tonight, loverboy. Did the cat catch your tongue, or is this too much for you and you need me now?"

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