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"Woah." Emma said, both of us out of breath as we collapsed next to each other on the bed. We had made it to the hotel about an hour before, and well, you can guess what happened in between then and now. "You should get me pregnant more often."

I laughed, glancing at Emma. "Why, is pregnant sex better than normal sex?"

"Absolutely." Emma breathed. "That. Was breathtaking."


Emma giggled. "World turning."

"Should we make this a new game? How many ways we can describe sex?"

Emma laughed harder this time. "Only if it stays between us. It's more fun that way."

I agreed. "Yes. Fisher would definitely ruin it." I said. "What about—mind boggling?"

Emma nodded. "Groundbreaking."



"Good one. How about sensational."

Emma giggled again. "That one's perfect. I think you win."

I sat up a little so that I was leaning on my shoulder, and I gave Emma a small peck on the lips. "I always win with you, baby."

"Can we do that again?" She asked. I smiled.



"What names do you like for a girl?" She asked. We were laying on the beach, getting some sun and talking about baby names.

"I don't know. What names do you like? I'm not that good at this stuff. I mean, I'm sure I'll like one of the names you like."

"Do you like the name Mila?"

"That's a really cute name. I like it."

"I'll put it on the maybe list. What about Nora?"

"Maybe list."

"What about boy names?"

"Wyatt, Xander, and Levi are my ideas."

"I don't like Xander. How about Wyatt?"

"Wyatt it is." She said, smiling.

"Did we just pick our little boy's name?" I asked.

Emma kissed me. "We did if it's a boy."

"We have a girl name to narrow down."

"I like Mila better than Nora." She whispered. I kissed her lips.

"So, we're on the same page."

"We have our names picked out."

Again, I kissed her. "We have our names picked out." I repeated.


That night, Emma and I splurged on an expensive dinner (well, I treated us. Emma deserved it.), and it was like a cute little date. Emma had a really pretty sundress on that accentuated the color of her eyes, and she looked so beautiful. She was glowing.

She gave a soft smile, her cheeks faintly blushing. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because I can't believe you're mine. You are so beautiful, and kind, and funny, and you make me happy, babe. You're my person, and I love that."

"I love you so much." She whispered.

I smiled. "I love you too, baby."

After we were done eating dinner, Emma and I went for a little stroll on the beach. The sun was setting, and Emma was holding my hand. I always loved holding her hand. I mean, it was so simple, yet such a loving gesture. An acknowledgment to being together.

There were still some people around the beach, and we ended up meeting a lady who seemed to be around fifty or sixty.

"I just wanted to tell you that you two are a beautiful couple."

Emma smiled at me, lightly squeezing my hand as she glanced back at the lady. "Thank you so much."

"I love seeing young kids like you so happy."

Emma giggled. "Got any advice for young kids like us?"

"Never stop going on dates. Even when you're an old married couple." She said. Pointing at me, she continued. "You, never stop taking care of her. Don't stop holding her hand."

I smiled, lifting Emma's hand to my mouth, and gently kissing her knuckles. "I won't."

"Always be friends even when you're married, and never go out the door without a kiss goodbye. Those are my secrets, and I've been married for almost forty years now."

"Wow. Congratulations." I said.

"That's amazing. Thanks for the tips and tricks." Emma said.

The lady smiled again, looking at me. "Get a ring on this girl's finger soon."

I smiled. "There could be a surprise in store for the near future." I said.

Emma leaned her head against my shoulder.

"Well, stay happy, kids. Good luck."

"Thanks again." Emma called as the lady walked away. I pulled Emma into a hug, kissing the top of her head. She smiled up at me, so I snuck a quick peck to her lips. "You're really thinking about proposing soon?"

"I guess you'll have to wait and see."

"So that's a yes." Emma declared.

I chuckled, taking her hand again and continuing our walk down the beach. "What would you do if I did?"

Emma laughed. "I'd say 'hell yeah."

"Good to know. I can't wait."

Emma and I had a great time for the rest of the weekend. It was nice to have time to ourselves. No work, no friends. Just the two of us relaxing and enjoying each other.

The next couple of weeks went by smoothly. Emma and I were both still working a lot, but we made time for each other in the morning and evenings. Having weekends off together were a great reward for a hard working week.

In fact, Emma and I had just gotten into the car to go to dinner when the doctor called.

We were finally going to find out the sex of the baby.

Emma put the call on speaker, and the doctor told us that we were having a little boy.

Once the call was over, Emma leaned her head on my arm and started crying because she was so happy. I kissed her forehead. "This is getting so real, isn't it, babe?"

"It really is. I mean, we're gonna have a baby in August, E."

"Or September. But yeah. We went from two college kids hooking up at a wedding to the coolest couple ever that are about to be parents. We've grown so much, and we've grown together. That's something to be so proud of."

"I gotta call Lena." She said, sitting back up as I finally started the car.

I chuckled to myself. Emma was so cute. Everything was going so perfectly. This was all I needed.

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