
Tonight was the night.

Tonight I would ask one of the most important questions I've ever asked and ever will ask in my life.

I took Emma to Huntington Beach for a specific reason.

Huntington Beach was special to Emma and I as a couple. This is the place that I first fell in love with Emma.

Well, the place I finally realized I had already fallen in love with her.

Last time we came here, we talked about that trip. Senior year. I wasn't the only one that realized I was in love. Emma realized she loved me too.

We started the day with a shower, cleaning each other up for the day, and possibly a little hanky-panky. You should know the routine by now. 

After we were dry and dressed, Emma and I found a small, family-owned diner for breakfast. The waffles there were really good. 

We had a fun filled day. We went to the nature center, we went to GlowZone, which was a place that had indoor activities like bowling, laser tag, and cosmic mini-golf. Emma and I had a blast. We felt like true college kids again.

After that, we took a nice walk on the beach together. The sun was just starting to set, and I ended up finding the perfect area to take Emma. 

There weren't a lot of people around, but this little area had a beautiful little cave. You could see the sun setting, and it was the perfect spot. 

Emma's hand was in mine, her head leaning against my arm as we walked into the cave. "This place is beautiful." She said.

"That's why I brought you here." I said. "I needed the perfect place for this." I added, pulling out the ring from my pocket and kneeling down on my knee.

Emma covered her mouth with her hand as I took her other hand in mine.

"Ethan, oh my goodness." 

I smiled up at her. Tears were already forming in her eyes. I hadn't even said anything yet, and she was already happy-crying.

Everything we've ever been through has led us to this moment. 

"Emma, you are no doubt the absolute love of my life. The night I met you, I knew you were something special. Before I even spoke to you, I saw you and knew I was ruined for anyone else. I only wanted to be yours. We've been through so much together, and we made it. I am so freaking in love with you, and there's no doubt in my mind that you were made for me. I love you so much. So please, will you marry me?"

Emma let out a quiet sob as she smiled, lowering her face to my level, and cupping my face in her hands. Finally, she pressed her forehead to mine. "Of course I'll marry you." She whispered. Tears were streaming down her face, so I kissed them away. "I love you so much, Ethan."

I looked down, taking her left hand, and slipping the ring onto her finger.

"I'm gonna take good care of you, babe."

Emma smiled again, kissing me as I stood up. I wrapped my arms around her in a hug, and she nuzzled her face into my chest. "This was so perfect."

"Did you know I was gonna propose?" I asked.

"I knew, but I didn't know when." She said, smiling up at me.

I kissed her nose, then her lips. "How'd you know?"

"Cause Lena and Chase were acting weird around you and I the other day. And Fisher. He looked disappointed in you."

I chuckled, kissing her forehead, and squeezing her tighter. "Did I do a good job?" I asked.

"You did perfect. I love the ring by the way. It's a stunner."

"Lena helped me pick it out. Chase was there too, but he didn't pay much attention. I think the jewelry store was too boring for him."

Emma laughed. "Oh, Ethan. I just love you so much."

I pecked her lips again, Emma putting on hand on my chest, and lacing the other hand into the back go my hair. The kiss turned hungrier, sending a warm feeling down my body.

"I love you too, sweetheart. Forever."

"Forever." Emma repeated. I took her hand, and we walked the rest of the way down the beach, and back to our car. 

I drove us further downtown, and we had dinner at a really nice Italian restaurant. We even got a free slice of cheesecake on the house since we got engaged tonight.

"Emma, you look so dang beautiful tonight." I said, eating a bite of the cheesecake. Emma smiled at me, eating her own bite before she spoke.

"And you look impeccably hot."

"Oh yeah? Are we gonna do something about that later?"

Emma smiled, winking at me as she ate another bite of cheesecake.

I couldn't help but stare at her. Her eyes were so pretty.

"Damn, baby. You're eyes are so blue. So pretty."

"I love you." She said.

"I love you too."

Trust me, there's no such thing as saying I love you too much. Emma and I always made sure to say it. It was a small way to keep our relationship strong, and healthy.

Once the check was paid, Emma and I went back to the hotel, and we sat down to FaceTime Chase and Lena.

"Hey guys." Lena said. Chase waved through the phone. Emma smiled, me in frame next to her. 

"We have some news." Emma said, showing the ring.

"Finally!" Lena exclaimed. "About time."

Emma and I both laughed, and I kissed Emma on the cheek. I couldn't help it. "It was a successful trip, I'd say." I said.

"Can't wait to hear all about it. Enjoy yourselves tonight. You deserve it." Chase said.

"Thanks, Chase." Emma replied.

"You're the best, man." I said. 

We hung up, and then we called my parents to let them know. I told Grayson, then Emma and I called her parents. She wasn't very close to them, but she still wanted to let them know.

We ended the night with a glass of champagne. Emma planned on pumping and then dumping the next few rounds of her milk for Wyatt's sake. He took formula half of the time anyway. 

"To us." I said, clinking my glass against hers. 

"To us." She repeated.

"I really got lucky with you, Emma." I said.

She smiled. "You take such good care of me. And of Wyatt."

"You take care of me too. That's what I love about us. We take care of each other." I said. "And you're the best mama ever to Wy."

Emma took our half-full champagne glasses and set them on the desk in the hotel room before walking over and pushing me down on the bed, and laying on top of me. "Maybe someday we'll have another one." She said.

"Oh yeah?" I flirted. Emma kissed me. 

"Yeah. Wanna practice making one?"

"You just read my mind." I whispered, flipping us so that I was slightly hovering over her.

This day couldn't have been better.

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