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St. Patrick's Day is a big deal I'm Santa Barbara, and there are always big parties and celebrations throughout the city. Our friends always go big for this holiday.

Unfortunately I couldn't participate since I was pregnant, so Lena elected to stay at my place while the boys went out. Ethan was hesitant, but I insisted that he went out and had fun with Chase and Fisher.

Ever since Ethan's and my ice cream sundae living room picnic, we've restocked the ice cream sundae supplies every time they run out. So this household always has ice cream now.

So, Lena and I vegged out with the ice cream in the living room, and we watched some rom coms. You know, classic girl stuff.

"So, have you learned what the gender of the baby is yet?" Lena asked.

Holding up my finger, I silently let Lena know that I'd answer after I finished the huge bite of ice cream I had just spooned into my mouth. "Not yet. I'm only 14 weeks, but we should find out relatively soon."

"Do you think you know what it is?"

"I think it's a boy, and Ethan thinks girl."

Lena smiled. "I'm team girl. You and I are already outnumbered, so it'll even put the girls in our group."

I laughed. "Maybe. I kind of hope it's a boy so that Fisher won't wait until she's 18 and try to take advantage of her." I joked. I wouldn't put him past it though. That's just how he is with women.

"Ooh. I didn't think about that."

I laughed again, taking another bite of my delicious sundae. Thank you, Ethan.

Glancing down at my phone, I saw that he texted me.

Ethan: You okay?

Emma: eating ice cream on the floor with Lena

Ethan: how'd I know

Emma: because we eat ice cream all the time

Ethan: fisher dragged chase and I to the club

Emma: have fun :)

Ethan: hard to without you, but I'll try

Emma: stop worrying about me and get your ass to that dance floor

Ethan: I miss you

Emma: i know. I miss you too. Now go have fun! I love you, and I'll see you when you get home

Ethan: how's baby feeling?
Ethan: I love you too

Emma: the baby's doing perfect

Ethan: okay. See you in a little bit. I'll probably be home in a couple hours. I don't plan on staying out all night.

Emma: okay. Still go and have fun, okay?

Ethan: okay. 🥰😘

Emma: 🥰❤️

Ethan: imma kiss you lots when I get home

Emma: if you keep texting me and not having fun like you're supposed to, I won't let that happen

Ethan: you're trying to ground me

Emma: I'm not afraid too.

Ethan: see you in a little while :)

I put my phone down and glanced at Lena, who was watching the tv and eating a bite of her ice cream.

"I don't think Ethan's enjoying being out without me." I said.

"Was that him texting you just now?"

I smiled. "Yeah. He says that he misses me and he'll try to have a good time, but it'll be hard because I'm not there.

"You know, back when you were dating Caleb, if we were hanging out without you, Ethan always seemed disappointed that you weren't there."

This made my heart jump. "Awe really?"

Lena smiled. "He loves you, Emma."

"I know." I said, my face flushing. "He's the best thing that's ever happened to me, Lena."

My heart was melting. Ethan could affect me from far away. This just further confirms how much he loves me.



Chase and I were just drinking beer and watching Fisher trying to catch a girl for the night.

Emma texted me earlier telling me to have fun, but I honestly just wanted to go home and snuggle with her.

It's not like she couldn't come with us. She just couldn't drink.

I was missing her extra until I felt familiar arms wrap around me. The biggest smile on my face as my girlfriend gave me a hug.

"I thought you were eating ice cream in the living room." I said.

Emma smiled up at me. "I was. I just missed you."

"You read my mind. I was just thinking about you being here."

Emma raised onto her toes, giving me the perfect opportunity to kiss her, so I did.

Feeling the soft lips that I've been missing all night. She tasted like chocolate syrup and peanut butter. She must've tried my favorite way to make a sundae. I love her.

I slipped my tongue into her mouth, making her groan into the kiss. Then I pulled away, but leaned toward her ear. "Wanna get out of here?" I asked.

She shook her head no, looking into my eyes. "Not without a dance."

I smiled as she tugged my wrist to the dance floor. "Lead the way." I said to myself.

Even just Emma showing up was what I needed for my mood to boost. Seeing her smile as her hand held onto mine and we danced made me happy.

I pulled her closer, moving my hands to her hips as hers wrapped around my neck.

Dancing was our thing. I mean, that's the first thing we ever did together way back when we first met. We danced.

I convinced Emma to let us go home after an hour of dancing, and so we hailed a cab back to our place.

I know they say you shouldn't live in an apartment forever, but this place is home to me. The most home I've ever felt.

Mostly because Emma lives with me, and because so much has happened between these walls, and between us.

This place isn't just an apartment. It's a home too. Our home.

The place our baby was created. The place Emma and I confirmed our love for each other.

The place that first comes to mind if I'm having a bad day.

Maybe we'll never leave this place. If we do, it better be a damn good piece of real estate.

I guess as long as Emma's with me it doesn't matter where we end up, but this apartment holds a lot of sentimental value to us.

The first place I ever lived with the love of my life.

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