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"I still can't believe you're having a kid." Fisher said as I tossed him a beer from the fridge.

It was a couple of weeks later, about the second week of April. Emma was still working, but it was 6:30, so Fisher came over for a beer.

I grabbed one for myself before we went to the couch and sat down.

"Hey, what can I say? I'm moving up in the world."

"Pffft. At least you're not getting married."

Fisher hates marriages. I don't know why, but he does.

"I am going to ask her to marry me someday."

"Dude, first Chase, and now you? Who's gonna go to strip clubs and other clubs and pick up women at the bar with me? I don't want you guys to get tied down. I mean you being in a couple has already changed you."

"No it hasn't. I simply just grew up. And there isn't one woman in the world besides Emma that I would want to be with. She's my person. My perfect person. I love her, and I'm happy to be with her."

"There's no hope." He said, sipping his beer. I laughed. Although he doesn't like marriages, I knew he was just messing around. I'm on of his best friends, and I know that Emma and I are one of the exceptions to Fisher's rule. He just doesn't like to admit it.

"She should be getting home soon." I said, glancing at the clock.

"All jokes aside, Emma's the only person I can accept you being in a couple with."

"Thanks, bro."

Emma finally came through the door, putting her keys on the counter and taking her shoes off.

I stood up to greet her, walking over and giving her a quick kiss. "Hey, how was work?"

She sighed. "I got a new project today, and I'm tired."

"Sit down. I'll get you something to eat."

"Thanks, babe." She said, going onto her tiptoes to kiss me again, then walking to the seats at the island.

"What do you want me to make you, Em?"

"Ice cream."

I smiled. "Ice cream it is." I said, "hey, Fish, do you want ice cream?"

"Nah I'm okay. Thanks for the offer. Hi, Emma."

"Hey, Fish."

So, I fixed Emma her ice cream sundae, and one for me before we went back to the living room, Emma sitting on the floor in front of the couch, and me sitting on the couch behind her.

"What have you been up to, Fisher?" Emma asked.

"Oh, you know. Work and girls."

"Ah. The usual."

"What about you, Ethan?" Fisher asked. "What have you been up to?"

I looked down at Emma, who was leaning her head back to look up at me. "Oh, you know. Work and screwing my girlfriend." I said, leaning down and pecking Emma on the lips. She was smiling into it, acknowledging the way I answered that question in almost the same way Fisher did, but it being such a different answer at the same time.

Fisher laughed. "Touché, Dolan." He said, getting up from the couch. "Well, thanks for the beer. I'm headed to Fuzzy's. I heard there's a sorority there tonight. Spring Break."

"Don't catch too many diseases." Emma said. I busted out laughing, making Emma laugh too.

Fisher just smiled and rolled his eyes. "Don't worry. Unlike you guys I use condoms." He joked, as a reference to Emma getting pregnant.

He was always joking around about us having a baby.

Fisher walked out the door, and Emma moved from her seat on the floor to the couch next to me.

I wrapped my arm around her, and she leaned her head on my chest.

"How you doin, babe?" I asked, kissing her forehead.

She sighed, curling her feet up on the couch and laying her head in my lap. "I'm tired."

I chuckled, softly playing with her hair. "Why don't we relax and watch a movie?" I suggested.

Emma nodded. She really was exhausted.

So, I turned on one of our favorite movies, got up to turn the lights off, and then both of us got comfortable on the couch.

Emma's head was in my lap, and I had the footrest up so that I could lay down too.

I was gently rubbing my hand up and down her arm and shoulder, and she ended up falling asleep about halfway through the movie.

I watched the rest of the movie, and Emma was still asleep, so I picked her up and carried her to our bed.

I sat down next to her and kissed her on the forehead before whispering to her. "Emma, do you want me to help you into some comfier clothes?" She was still wearing her work clothes.

"Mmhmm." She hummed, still half asleep.

So, I grabbed one of my t-shirts, and I helped her out of her work clothes before she took her bra off and slipped my t-shirt over her head.

"Okay. You can go to sleep now. I'm gonna take a quick shower, and then I'll be back." I said, kissing her forehead again.

So, I showered. Shaved my face. Dried off and threw some sweatpants on. Brushed my teeth. Shut the bathroom light off.

Finally, I climbed into bed.

Emma subconsciously snuggled up to me, slipping one of her hands around my back and putting her head on my chest.

Feeling her head against my chest, and her arm around me always made me feel so safe. She's my girl. I'm her man.

I'm the one that gets to call her mine. Gets to keep her safe. Gets to love her the way she deserves.

I knew from the second I met her that she'd be a special person in my life, and frankly she's the most special person to me.

I never thought I'd somehow meet the love of my life at my cousin's wedding at age 21. She's changed my world around in so many ways. The best part is that she loves me just as much as I love her.

If it was any other girl, I honestly wouldn't be that excited about having a baby right now. But because it's with Emma, I'm the most excited about something that I've ever been.

Knowing that I have a stable career, a stable relationship, and the ability to keep a roof over our heads and food on our table makes me really happy. I feel like I've made it in the world.

I don't know if I could've done it all without Emma by my side.

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