Chapter 28

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Sora's POV:

The walk to Zhao's ship was filled with a painful silence. The ringing in my ears as we came closer and close to the ship was almost unbearable. I knew that this plan was my idea but that didn't mean I was looking forward to it.

Uncle assured me that everything would be ok. He told me that he would try and give me "orders" that kept me away from everybody so that I didn't have to be so uncomfortable all the time. I was incredibly grateful for that. As soon as we got on board and Zhao greeted us, he had me go to his room to set things up to his liking. What that really meant is I was sneaking Zuko onto the ship and into his room until we found somewhere else for him to stay.

I grabbed a set of armor that looked like Zuko's size before sneaking my way towards one of the boats on the side of the ship. I threw the armor inside, hopped in, and began lowering it into the water. Once I was in, I paddled all the way to where Zuko was waiting and let him get changed. The trip back was silent as we were both too nervous to talk. It wasn't until we were finally in Uncle's room that we spoke.

"This whole things makes me nervous," I admitted, pacing back and forth in the room.

"This was your idea," Zuko pointed out to which I flipped him off.

I continued pacing for a few more seconds until I heard a knock on the door. My heart skipped a beat and I came to a stop.

"H-hello?" I called out.

"It's me," Uncle responded.

Relief filled me as I ran to open the door. I made sure to shoo Zuko out of eyesight of the door and then let Uncle in.

"We will be arriving in a week. Until then, Sora I made sure that your room was put next to mine. I insisted that since I was so old I needed you close to me at all times. As for you Prince Zuko, you'll have to share Sora's room. It's too risky to have you in mine in case someone comes in. As rude as it sounds, nobody will go into Sora's room to see her," he explained, shooting me an apologetic glance.

"That's alright Uncle. I'd rather them not visit me anyways," I said with a small laugh.

Zuko stayed silent. He seemed to be very deep in thought. Uncle told me that he was going to work on getting me some clothes since basically everything I owned was destroyed. Not that I cared. I had the ribbon I was gifted and that was all that mattered. Everything else could be replaced.

"Why don't you go to your room with Zuko and I'll find you both some clothes," he suggested.

I nodded and let him lead us both into my room. It was just as big as the room Iroh was given, but it was clear that had switched out the furniture to be less valuable. I didn't mind though. It was only temporary and then I would be off this ship and somewhere else. Where was still subject to change.

"Are you just gonna stand there all day?" Zuko snapped, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I didn't realize that he had shed his armor, wearing the ripped up clothes that he had from yesterday, and was meditating on the ground. Or more accurately attempting to. He was wincing and was hunching over to avoid his newly acquired wounds.

"Zuko, get up. You need to rest. You're going to re-open the cuts," I scolded him while pulling on his arm for him to get up.

He begrudgingly followed my orders and stood up. I told him to sit on the bed and take his shirt off so that I could try healing them again. Uncle had told me that the more times I healed them, the better they would be. Plus, I wanted to keep practicing my new skill. I grabbed some water from the sink and began healing the biggest cut. Zuko hissed at first but eventually the pain subsided. He sat silently and allowed me to start healing the other wounds as well. He didn't let me touch his face though.

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