Chapter 30

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Sora's POV:

"What's h-happening?" I asked, fighting to sit up straight.

"I feel faint," Yue said as the sky began to fill with red.

The blues and whites that colored the sky had turned to a dark crimson red. The moon even held a faint red tint as it shone light down on the ground. I watched in disbelief as it changed before my eyes.

"I feel it too. The moon spirit is in trouble," Aang said, looking up at the moon as well.

I was desperately trying not to pass out. Katara seemed relatively ok now. Aang and Yue were being affected still and I was somewhere in between. I felt somewhat faint but I was forcing myself to ignore it.

"Why don't you feel it anymore?" I asked, forcing myself to look at Katara.

"I don't know. Why do you?" she asked, slightly confused.

"I'm not sure," I answered honestly.

I looked down at Zuko and made sure he was warming up. He was significantly less cold but was still unconscious from Katara's attack. Secretly, I hoped he would stay that way until the Avatar was long gone.

"I owe the moon spirit my life," Yue said, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"What do you mean?" Sokka asked.

When I was born, I was very sick and very weak," she began, looking down into her lap in sadness, "Most babies cry when they're born, but I was born as if I were asleep. My eyes closed."

I listened intently to her story, stroking Zuko's face absentmindedly.

"Our healers did everything they could. They told my mother and father I was going to die. My father pleaded with the the spirits to save me," she continued, now looking up at the moon with a glimmer of thankfulness in her eyes, "That night, beneath the full moon, he brought me to the oasis and placed me in the pond."

I remembered the beautiful area that Zuko had found Aang in. It had a crescent pond in the middle of a patch of grass. The whole area was beautiful. I assumed that was the oasis she was talking about.

"My dark hair turned white. I opened my eyes and began to cry and they knew I would live," she said, smiling fondly, "That's why my mother named me Yue. For the moon"

"Wow. That's a beautiful story," I said, looking up at the moon.

"Did you ever find out why the moon spirit saved you?" Sokka asked.

"No. But I have a feeling I'm about to find out," she said solemnly.

Nobody else seemed to pick up on her insinuation. When I met her eyes, I knew without a doubt what she was thinking. She had a sense of duty in her that she would do whatever it took to save the moon spirit. I smiled sadly at her.

Nobody said anything as we began descending into the oasis. I saw Zhao standing with some of his soldiers, holding a bag out in front of him and giving some speech. He looked so proud of himself. I wanted nothing more than to smack the gloating smile off his face.

Almost as if my prayers were answered, a flying monkey looking thing jumped into his head and began pulling on his face. I had to hold back a giggle as the other teens hopped off Appa. I stayed in the saddle with Zuko.

I looked down at him and could tell he was beginning to wake up. I shook him lightly, but he was still deep in unconsciousness. It would be a few more minutes before he woke up. I turned my attention to the group, moving Zuko to the side incase I needed to jump in and help.

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