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"You're always so late, boy! What on earth keeps making you late?" His boss yelled, slapping him round the face.

"I-I'm sorry, sir!" Alec stammered, cupping his burning cheek, "I-I.." The truth was, his boss was abusive and scared the crap out of him so getting out of bed was the hardest part, "It's the transport in the morning, sometimes it's so crowded people push me off the buses so I have to either run to the next stop o-or wait for the next one! I swear!"

"You're lying to me, I know you are. You know what? Get out my fucking office, you're fired!" He shoved Alec, intending to go out the door but he backed into a wall instead, knocking the air out of him. "Go!"

Alec didn't even leave time to catch his breath before scrambling out the office and through the building until he was outside; even then he kept running until the building was far out of sight. Great.. He had no job, and rent was due tomorrow, he couldn't afford it, payday was tomorrow and his boss was too much of an asshole to bother thinking about paying him. He pulled out his phone, still breathless and called his roomate and best friend, Jace. "Yello?" Jace answered, pausing his writing.

Jace was a P.E teacher, so he had homework and the such to mark during holidays while Alec still went to work, or used to. "Hey Jace."

"Oh, Alec. Why aren't you at work?" He popped a crisp in his mouth.

"I just got fired," he heard Jace spit it back out, "so I'm coming home, I'll pick up that magazine of yours on the way if you want?"

"Nah, it can wait. I'll make something for you, you gotta chill on the sofa and think about what's next?" Jace got up, heading to their kitchen.

"Alright, thanks. See you in a bit." He hung up and looked at his phone momentarily, he had a crush on Jace, but it was slowly fading thankfully, but that meant Alec was truly single, not even a crush.

He waited for his bus to arrive, thankfully rather empty since it was mid-morning after the rush hour, so he was able to sit in peace for the first time in a long time. It gave him time to take on what Jace said, what would he do with his life now? His only qualifications were Martial Arts and Linguistics, he took a foreign language degree at university, so now he was fluent in English and French. He could be a teacher like Jace.. but the marking looked so uninviting, he'd rather be back.. Actually he'd rather be a teacher than with that abusive bastard.

His stop came up and he pressed the stop button, getting off and thanking the driver before entering his apartment building. He and Jace lived on the third floor, gave a good view of the city but it was the average apartment. Their living room was an okay size, no door seperating it from the kitchen and dining area, then a corridor that lead to two bedrooms and a shared bathroom. "Hey dude." Jace said as he came in, back on the sofa.

"Hey, I hear there's food?" Alec asked, hanging up his coat.

"Yeah, in the kitchen."

Alec nodded and went to get it, also making a drink, then joining Jace on the sofa. After they'd eaten lunch and the TV was now on with the news, Jace looked to Alec and bit his lip in thought. "Any idea what you're going to do?"

"Honestly? Relax for a while, I can't afford tomorrow's rent so none after, meaning I gotta try to get a job within the month, if I had the money I would consider a teacher's course for teaching French or martial arts."

"They're looking for martial artists down at the centre, pay's alright but it's more of a side job unless you work a full-time schedule, not sure. Maybe you should ask?" Alec shrugged. "Just a suggestion though."

Alec picked up one of Jace's magazine from their coffee table, "maybe I should be a model." He laughed but Jace didn't.

"Well you're hot enough, don't see why not. You work out and do martial arts, you're flexible and have great muscles, they'd love you."

"Umm, no." Alec laughed again, putting it back.

"I can let you off tomorrow's rent, but next month only if you're lucky."

"Thanks Jace." Alec smiled, feeling a horrible urge inside him.

Jace frowned but also felt it, "Alec?"

"Jace, can I.." He felt something begin to rise and he brought one knee up - casually.

"Can you what?" He thought Alec mumbled so leant closer.

Alec couldn't help himself, he grabbed Jace's shirt and yanked him closer, their lips crashing together. Jace's eyes widened, not kissing back but Alec wasn't letting him go anywhere, holding him close with his hands roaming over his back. It was a good minute before Jace managed to shove Alec off, breathless from keeping his lips firmly shut. "Alec what the fuck!?"

"Jace, I-I.."

"You know wha? Screw you, don't take your adness out on me, get out! And don't come back until you can afford to pay rent!"

"W-where am I meant to go!?" Alec panicked, he only had a couple hundred in the bank and his entire family was on holiday but he didn't have a spare key to anyone's house.

"I don't care! Leave!"

Alec wanted to burst into tears, grabbing his bundle of keys, wallet, phone and his coat on his way out. He didn't know anyone else in their apartment tower so he went out for a walk to clear his head. It was mid-afternoon and people were milling about. He would just hang with the homeless, buy some food to share then try to find a job.

He did just that, he went and bought a load of drink and packets to share before heading to where he knew some kind homeless people sat, he gave them a couple pounds each day (yes, my Alec lives in England, deal with it :P), so hopefully they'd welcome him. "May I sit with you two?" He asked.

"Oh it's you kind sir! Yes, sit sit. What brings you to us? Is everything alright?" Wow, they were welcoming him like family already.

"No.. My what I thought was best friend kicked me out our apartment because I can't afford tomorrow's rent after getting fired this morning. I kinda kissed him, so that shocked him, if I hadn't I'm pretty sure I'd still be there, watching sport or something."

"Awe, I'm so sorry to hear that. Well you're welcome here until you get back on your feet." The man reached into a bag, "we don't have very much but-"

"I bought food, I still have about £120 left, and my family is away for the week, hopefully I can last till then. When I buy a new place, I promise to make enough to get you and your wife a place too." Alec smiled sweetly.

"Oh, God bless!" The man hugged him. He stank. "My name is Ralph by the way," he held out his hand which Alec shook. "My wife is Sally."

Alec smiled wider, "I'm Alexander, but please call me Alec." He reached out and got out all the food and a blanket he had bought for himself.

Homeless was a horrible experience, but Ralph so far seemed like a great guy, Sally sleeping, but maybe he'd be able to make it through the week, before hopefully getting a place at his parent's or sister's. But until then, these two would do.


Hey! First chapter!

If anyone's there, what did you think?? I'm so excited for this fic! I hope anyone is too :)

Hopefully see someone soon! ~Fiz

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